The best ending to this game is the early "bad" ending where you leave Joseph alone and credits roll.

holy peak fiction
(side note: I also played this game on the vita, and it runs exactly like the ps4 and switch versions so it's definitely a good option if you're willingly to install a fan translation)

As my first Castlevania game, I think I'm going to love this series (also FUCK the enemies that track you and fly at you, like the Lubicant)

wish they did more with Byleth, they are barely in the game and they're a unit you can only obtain by using a strategy found on the map with the vague description "Will change the tide of battle."

The Rider date event is the best part of this game

The amount of shit I heard about this game gave me extremely low expectations, and I can say I was EXTREMELY wrong. There are some things that I dislike (mainly how character deaths are written) but a majority of this game is amazing.

The gameplay is really good, especially how the stealth aspects are done, they basically took every "meh" aspect of TLOU1 combat and improved it.

The story is peak. I do hate Abby but she is pretty well written, her actions can be insanely frustrating or stupid but they're realistic coming from a character blinded with rage. The entire epilogue is a very strong way to end off the game and even though I don't think the ending is as great as TLOU1, it's still very good.

oh and the music (original and covers) is amazing

Aside from the story (Its just peak One Piece writing until Wano (which is game original cause Wano just started at release)), it's just a generic musou.

Music is AMAZING though.

artstyle is neat and some of the optional events are interesting but overall way too edgy and just extremely boring

Story and Characters are fucking great cause it's South Park. Gameplay is a bit too boring and tedious ESPECIALLY the combat. The combat is wayyyyyy too easy, Kyle destroys any enemy he attacks with his abilities.