The title to this thing is terrible. And most of the powerups feel... unnecessary. The game is way too easy, why do I need like 3 different powerups when most enemies die from being sneezed on?

You can make this complaint with every Mario Party game ever, but some of the minigames really fucking suck. Anything that's just "can you buttonmash well?" should not be in the game.

So much of this game's level design seems to inhibit you from actually going fast, which is weird considering that was one of the big selling points of the game. Also, what's the deal with reusing Labyrinth Zone for the final area? C'mon now.

It's mildly funny fucking up zombies and watching them stumble to get back up. You knock them down and it takes them like 7 seconds before they're even a threat again. Very amusing stuff.

Why are some of the gems horrible to get? How on earth were you supposed to get the blue gem from Turtle Woods without using a guide or having someone just outright tell you "You can't destroy any boxes"? Or the one about being able to fall into the pit in Crash Dash, was I just supposed to guess? It's been several years, but I pretty distinctly there being no conveyance for either of those. Also, the boss fights not being replayable is an unnecessary downgrade from the first game. I just want to play hop skotch 'til you drop with Tiny.

The Plantman and Flamman scenarios for this game are fucking horrible. "Let's make the player have to permanently spend a chip just to do some arbitrary action in the overworld, and to do it they have to add a navi customizer program that takes up an unnecessary amount of space, duh uhuhuhuh that sounds like a good idea". You could say the same about having press lines in general, too. Why is making Mega Man tiny necessary for the gameplay? The navi customizer is like a big, new, shiny toy that the developers couldn't help but overuse, and it makes going through the main game of this unnecessarily shitty at times.

Imagine a version of this game where... Instead of stupid waggle shit, you could just push a BUTTON to do anything that required waggling. What a novel concept.

This game has one of the least compelling casts in the entirety of the series. Oh, I'm supposed to like Jeff Bezos because he LARPs as a robot cat and feels really guilty about it? Or Cid who is basically just "I yell at women because I'm inadequate as a human being: the character"? I like the main three, but I just do not care that much about the rest of the playable characters.

There's no getting around the fact that this game is basically nothing but trial-and-error.

Stupid overrated. The last third of the game is just outright bad, and Saddler is such a nothing villain.

The boss fights in this game... Electric chair.

The chao garden in this game was so pointless. If you leveled up your chao and brought it into SA2B, the levels would stay but you would get no skill points for those levels, so they'd all be empty level ups.

I've played this game like 3 times and, gun to the head, I could not even hum a melody from any of this game's OST. It's just like... slightly lively muzak.

Laid a good foundation in regards to spritework and gameplay formula that 7 and 8 would build off of tremendously.

A very weird game, but in a great way. I wish Nintendo had stuck with this trend of experimenting with their first-party IPs/characters.