This game would be so much better without all the minigames. I don't know if it was a lack of dev time or something, but this game feels legitimately like it's 1/4th minigames, which is a shame.

The properties and the missions associated with them feel like a complete afterthought. Also, what was with the weird implied hypnosis with the Haitian missions?

The combat system is interesting, and Spira as a whole does feel a bit more fleshed out and developed with this game.

I greatly dislike that item management is so important in the wily stages. If you fuck up any of the platforming too much, you have to either grind for weapon energy or kill yourself. Really dampened my first playthrough when that happened.


Toned down the wackyness of the previous entry to go for a more gritty realism angle, which works for the most part, but it makes the levels a lot more forgettable. Also, the music in this game is a step down from Tricky, who here wanted that awful remix of "No One Knows" or Finger Eleven?

I really like how the partners are a bit more unique in this game. You get more personality from characters like Goombella and Koops, meanwhile Vivian is wholly unique in and of herself. Not to mention the fact that there's an optional party member. I really dig that.

Man why the fuck did they unlock gang wars and let you collect all that territory if they were just gonna take it all away from you like 15 minutes later? Also, the male rape "jokes" with Catalina aged extremely poorly.

Maybe I was just stupid when I played this for the first time, but I was never able to find Luigi on my own, so I ended up just playing the entire game with only Yoshi and Mario. On the whole, I've never been super crazy about SM64's level design, and the extra stars added here don't add much to the game.

There's a sweet story buried in here somewhere. I like that it's fairly sincere.

God if figments aren't the worst collectible to ever exist in any 3D platformer ever.

I was able to beat this in the arcade and it didn't take a shitload of credits to do so! Some of the bosses look kind of cool too.

Why'd it have to be shorter than Dane Cook's acting career? Just as the game gets going... it stops. It's nice to not overstay your welcome, but it wouldn't hurt to have some more content in your free game I didn't pay money for.

Why'd they try to make this game look "cinematic" in its cutscenes? It's a stupid furry gun game, let it be a stupid furry gun game.

The motion controls in this fucking suck, much like almost every game on the Wii that had motion controls.

The new additions to the game are nice, but most definitely do not constitute a wholesale repackaging of a game that was only like 2 years old.