Never understood why people didn't like it. It's just more Halo

This is the one I actually played... God damn. Good...

I have never regretted putting over 100 hours into a game before playing this one. Gave me some fun memories though. Great game if you don't take the main servers too seriously. It really needs some work

This is truly the dark souls of pinnochi-likes

Story seemed cool but lost interest half way through. Gameplay also got a bit tedious

Content not fleshed out enough yet but will probably be better than first once we get a few updates. Gorgeous game though

It got better years after release. Still mid asf. Would rather play most other games


This shit was so cool. Don't know why I didn't finish it

Play it for the story and characters. Would be 5 stars if gunplay wasn't so mid and wasn't so crash prone. Still the goat

Best jrpg. End game is a little grindy if you don't stay on top of side quests. Why won't I just kill the final boss already

Overrated asf but still pretty damn good. Probably unplayable if you played SMT 5 first

Best mainline SMT hands down. Better than every Persona game. Early game difficulty curve keeps game from being accessible to newcomers