We need more platformers like this

It is very ok. Physics engine made me laugh. Good ragdoll

Better than the first. Got boring around the end

Bought it on release while I was in my freshman year of college. I was broke and wanted a fun game. This shit ruined my whole month

I played too much of this for how mad it made me. Why can't they balance the game right

Stupid fun with friends. Fork over the $5 and have a fun evening with the boys

It got better years after release. Still mid asf. Would rather play most other games

This game can suck my nuts. Not good. Eww game icky

Man I was so bad at this. Zombies were cool

Better than the first game and if you don't agree I am not listening. Great way to end the trilogy

Underrated as hell. Great game. Most fun I've had out of the trilogy, objectively not as good as 3

One of the first games I got on Xbox 360. Man its so overrated. Every time I come back to it I drop it

Honestly great. A little too hard at times. Some puzzle answers are so obtuse but unique