Was hoping that another playthrough would improve my reception of this game, but no dice. It's just a very uninspired Mario game.

An improvement on some of the more recent Pokémon games, mainly through mixing up the combat, more options for discovery in the open world maps, and limiting random encounters with the option of easily catching most Pokémon through stealth or item usage. Unfortunately, the other new additions to this series of lackluster side quests and lame boss fights keep this from being one of the very best Pokémon games.

Funny that the best New Super Mario Bros. game came out the same year as the worst one.

Still one of the best Star Wars games ever made, thanks to the strong writing and characters, but I can't help but find it somewhat flawed compared to the original KOTOR, thanks to some lackluster level design and rampant glitches (even with The Restored Content mod).

Still one of the most imaginative Mario games.

Probably better than a lot of the garbage one can find in app stores, but it's a pretty good example of how weirdly lame Nintendo's attempt at mobile gaming was.

I think Nintendo hasn't made a new Super Mario game (not counting remakes or Mario Maker) since Odyssey, because they don't know how to top it.


Probably the best Zelda-like (I don't know if there's a term or anything) I've ever played. Really loved the style, world connectivity, and puzzles (both direct and indirect). Combat's solid enough, but the boss battles are where I'd prefer a more Zelda style of boss.

Sets a decent foundation for the Metroid series and Metroidvanias as a whole, but is just really clunky and less elegant than its fellow series-starting contemporaries (Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda) as well as future Metroid games.

A slight improvement on the first Metroid, thanks to save stations and more reliance on exploration (compared to Metroid 1 which more preferred to fill rooms with swarms of enemies). It is unfortunate that the black-and-white graphics make it pretty easy to get lost (still no map sigh) and the Metroids themselves are annoying and repetitive bosses to fight.

Probably the best written game of them all.

One of the best, if not possibly the best, Pokemon games thanks to the sheer amount of content (two regions in one game) and a lot of tweaks to the game's balance compared to previous games. Surprisingly difficult for a Pokemon game!
My team for this playthrough: Feraligatr, Ampharos, Crobat, Shiny Gyarados, Espeon, and Donphan

A fun enough time to play with friends at night, passing around the controller and getting your characters killed. But, I can't even imagine how boring this game probably is when you play by yourself.

Still a classic. It's surprising how much of a jump in quality in the Metroid series happened when you just add a map, a few tweaks to items and combat, and a bit of storytelling (environmental and otherwise).

Arguably better route design than in the Kanto or Johto games, even if that isn't necessarily true of the later routes that are just wide expanses of ocean filled with Tentacools and Wingulls.
My team for this playthrough: Swampert, Gardevoir, Breloom, Aggron, Manectric, and Altaria