Good game, but I feel the atmosphere was a bit too oppressive. They wanted to make a sorrowful atmosphere and they delivered in spades.

Paying respects to the first Endgame

Might be 10/10 if I didn't get the Switch version that ran at 2 fps and crashed whenever I sneezed. Other than that its incredible.

Sad to see not a lot of people talking about this today. It's definitely a great time with beautiful animations and a charming feel to it. Then again I also haven't touched it in years after finishing most of the content. IDK, definitely worth a try though.

Very linear, but very fun. A really good time except fighting half the bosses where I just want to slam my head into a metroid.

Yo Daisy, these edibles ain't cra-

I'm sorry, but I just didn't like this one that much. There's a lot of creativity and charm buried under some mundane gameplay. The story is decent, but I just couldn't enjoy it as much as others

This is the worst Pokemon game I've ever played. Despite their problems, I tend to enjoy modern Pokemon games. However the problems with this are just so glaring that I ended up quitting before getting to the end.

I'm sorry, but I just can't get into this game. I wish I could, but it's just to steep when it comes to the punishment for failing. If you can look past that though, you'll probably have a great time

I literally can't bring myself to hate this game. Bad graphics, bad story, nonexistent difficulty, and more? Absolutely. I have 200+ hours in this and will probably play again.

As an American, I approve of this game

If you COMPLETELY ignore the internet's influence on this game, it's pretty good

Dang this is a really good alpha, can't wait for the full release!

Was not expecting to like this as much as I did. Great game, as long as you can get it for around 40 or below

I respect it more that I really enjoyed it