"Is it gay to tell your closest friend you love them?" Yes, yes it is, because you love them on THAT way Jill (and that's okay).
Also thanks Lark and Kiririn, this the only game that has made me feel sexually represented, I love Jill so much.

A run of the mill TPS with a really interesting story and some tripy visuals, plus one or two neat mechanics. It's anti war message has been done before and has been done way better, is still a great exploration of the type of protagonist Walker represent.
The way it guilt trips the player tho, is pure bullshit, and is even more bullshit if you are not from the US, so don't take those messages too seriously.

Final Fantasy 1 is the best, no, I don't take criticism.

My first one and very good srpg. I want to marry Ephraim.

Delicious Tharja pits I see while she chokes me to death.

IT HAS BRACHYDIOS IN IT but also has water combat which is not very fun imo. But it was my first and I love it very much.

I love the bow in this game, is so fun to use. 4.5 cus it lacks only 2 of my favourite monsters.
Hope we can get some of the QoL changes in the next main entry.

The definition of wasted potential and bad management just to keep it balanced. With such an interesting lore, beautiful art and absolute banger ost (THE RIFLEMAN) Bungie could have unleashed their raw power and deliver a great successor to Halo with more fantasy elements, instead we got a repetitive looter shooter with interesting mechanics that just feels wasted as a live service game.

This is the best Farcry game to date. All the QoL changes from previous entries, looks stunning and THERE IS ONLY ONE OBLIGATORY TOWER. For once you have to actually interact with the world and it's activities to continue the story, which is miles better than how FC3 and 4 did it, where they might as well have been linear games.
My problems with the game: the selection of ARs and SMGs, is really limited and not very fun, it will also be a while until you can use a proper .50cal
There is also the ending, it feels like a kick in the balls just for the sake of it, specially when a lot of the supporting cast is actually quite likable (for a FC game), and since apparently this series has a canon that ubi wants to follow? Yeah, bad move, my recommendation is to consider any and all references to nukes as drug induced hallucinations.

For how much QoL changes it brought to the table it just didn't click for me, it felt like playing the third game once again, just with a different map.

It's a bit too long for is own good, but you can use a Vector SMG, so who knows. Buy at a discount.

A MUCH better game mechanically speaking. The parry system is fun and satisfying, combat is a bit faster and bosses are waaaay better and less frustrating once you figure them out.
However that bit of mystery about wtf happened and dark, oppressive atmosphere of the first game is gone, and, at least in my opinion, the plane crash survivor plot is just not really interesting (SPOILER: the new game+ scene about the crash gives the whole story much needed context, it absolutely should have been at the beginning.)

It's so frustrating I ended up finishing it just to spite the level designer.
The atmosphere is good tho and it gives a bit if a compelling mystery.