247 Reviews liked by Izanagi24682

Twenty years later and these devs still haven’t realized turn based combat is boring as shit

plays kinda like a better kh:bbs. story's stupid as fuck but the character interactions and ending make it all worthwhile

If you are sad that bloober team is going to stomp on everything that Silent Hill 2 is all about with their eventual dogshit remake than don't worry because the best silent hill game made since 3 is right here! Enjoy this game while you can before people try and tell you it’s overrated or nothing but annoying people talk about it and get you mad

After losing my save when the game came out and putting off replaying back to where i was 2 years later i am happy i finally did it. I knew i would love it, i knew it would be amazing and still it blew me away.

I wasn't really into hack-n-slash games back when this game was new. In fact, I had a strong (and foolish) animosity for them because of a bad experience with the original Devil May Cry when I was like 11 (see my DMC1 review if you're curious). I wasn't even aware of the game Bayonetta, but during that time, I played and loved No More Heroes. However, I chalked it up to loving the brilliant characters and writing, along with the core combat being pretty simple.

No clean way to put it, I was on the internet . . . a lot, and I saw various drawn porn of Bayonetta back then and got the hots for the character. She was practically the ideal depiction of what got me going, so I wanted to learn more about her!

That was when I looked the game up, found it for cheap at a local store, and was blown away by how good it was! Punchy combat, intuitive controls, the rewarding flowy combos, the badass enemy designs, the jazzy music that has a nice blend of angelic and actiony, and of course Bayonetta herself being so funny and endearing as a character with attitude!

There's some missteps, such as a couple scenarios that feel obtusely designed to be frustrating, most-especially QTE scenarios that not only have very small windows, but kill you instantly and ruin your stage rank if you fail it. The story is a little basic too, IMO. If it wasn't for the characters being so charming, I would've considered it entirely hollow. Regardless, the good outweighs the bad in this game by a longshot.

So yeah, seeing a couple of porn doujins as a teenager lead me to properly falling in love with the hack-n-slash genre. I should probably be more embarrassed by that, but here we are. What's important is that it also lead me to properly playing and loving the original Devil May Cry!

Borderline perfect. A short and sweet game with some of the best-designed levels and mechanics you can find on the ps1. It starts off fairly comfortable but really ramps up by the end game. I'm almost tempted to revisit the game within the next few days and go for the 3 collectables I ended up missing.

My only complaint with the gameplay is that Klonoa slides pretty far when you stop running from top speed. this includes when you jump. there were a few times when I ended up slipping off of a small platform when jumping on it. It's a minor complaint and something that you can get used to with muscle memory.

The story and world were also pretty good. For those who haven't played it, do yourself a favour and make sure that the ending is unspoiled for you since it certainly left an impact on me.

Highly recommend this one!

Go to the Xbox accessories app and invert the right analog stick, then pick Saburouta as your starting character. You can thank me later.

I'm lousy at racing games. I enjoy destruction racers like Burnout or Flatout, but when it comes to 'real' titles like NFS or Ridge Racer, I simply can't hack it.

On my first Grand Prix race I kept my expectations low. Getting third place, I started zoning out until the replay started. Footage of me failing drifts and slamming into walls filled the screen, but it was almost irrelevant because Move Me was playing. I didn't feel like I was rock bottom or should have moved on to a different game: instead, I really wanted to improve.

The music in this game makes me grin. It's so damn good, all the tracks fit their designated purpose but do it so stylishly all the while. They can be a great motivator for success, and amp up the action no matter what place you are in the race: if you're lagging in 7th or 8th it creates urgency, and in 1st it encourages you to keep your speed up and ride the high. To that end, learning the controls and persisting was incredibly rewarding.

The stories in the Grand Prix are fun little dramas that add a bit of pizzazz to every race. I played Micro Mouse Mappy's first so I'm partial to them, but I feel like all the teams add something nice to the player experience.

Ridge Racer Type 4 is bite-sized greatness: every minute is a delight and it never outstays its welcome.

This review contains spoilers


Das Spiel hat mich wirklich positiv überrascht. Ich kannte natürlich den Plottwist das Aerith stirbt weil den kennt man halt einfach, aber das ganze mit Cloud ist so irre gewesen für mich. Storymäßig wirklich 10/10, für mich hat es aber einige Probleme, warscheinlich wegen dem Alter, deswegen ist es insgesamt "nur" ne 9/10 für mich. Ich denke mal die Übersetzung ist auch an einigen Stellen nicht gut gelungen, weil es so wirkt als wäre Cloud nen Klon von Sephiroth und nicht das er einfach nur die Stärke von ihm hat durch die Jenova Zellen, auch das ganze mit Zack und wie sich die Erinnerungen vermischt haben war weird. Das Spiel hat einem einfach basically gesagt das Cloud alle absichtlich gegaslighted hat, das er ja Soldier wär usw. Vielleicht bin ich aber auch einfach nur dumm. So hat es zumindest gewirkt lol

Amazing commentary on cancel culture

Lol, and lol.

You know, I really gotta give props to David Cage, he really is an innovator. Like how do you manage to make a game about discrimination/segregation/slavery with an allegory for civil rights so flawed, so stupid, that it double backs and ends up becoming offensive. Really impressive. Even still, if I'd completely ignore that and take this game at face value, there are so many issues with this that you could break it apart piece by piece (the melodramatic writing; David's usual misery porn; a "plot twist" so unnecessary that it ruins a whole character arc; the plot holes, holy shit, the amount of plot holes). Also, can we stop and think that this line was written, if not by an English white dude, by a French white man? Lmao.

As difficult as it is to talk positively about this I do have to mention a huge improvement over past Quantic Dreams games, and that's the presentation. Which I think it's also the main reason for the positive feedback Detroit has compared to their previous. Everything from the graphics, to the music, acting (specially Connor and Hank), and even the cinematic feel, is considerably better. I guess this would be Quantic Dream's closest attempt at making a game that feels like a movie, and it's really close to achieving it. Kind of disappointing that players find that enough to be tricked and ignore everything else about it that's a flaw, though.

Anyway, I'm currently dead sick so spending any effort in talking about this is exhausting enough... David Cage's best game so far.

★½ – Unplayable ❌

The game has had one massive rebalance patch which addressed most of the issues with the game so its definitely a better experience and easier to recommend. It still has a least one major patch which would address the rest of the flaws (too many upgrades not enough points, no quick turn, no controller rebinding) before it would be the best version of what its trying to be. Which is a very faithful sequel to the first game. Art direction feels like nintendo hire this man with store bought unreal assets. But overall i am glad this game exists and that i got to play it

post-ironic cliche tropes done right with some Yoko Taro influences (don't ask me why)

ultimate bedtime fairy tale with great characters and fantastic vibes living in a world of Akira Toriyama's artwork

- music is a letdown but you have an option to use the DQ VIII overworld theme so do that 
- default overworld music theme is rage quit inducing EAR CANCER
- i'd recommend using "stronger monsters" draconian option because the default game is too easy in the beginning 
- Act 2 was a drag but for a reason 
- Act 3 is not a "post-game"
- Act 3 is what really makes this game special and unique, it IS essential to the story and actually pretty amazing and extremely satisfying
- this game is better than final fantasy VII remake

could have been better if not the ear cancer music and strange difficulty curve, but you know what?

I don't care

a good time with friends, not so much solo

Current rating entirely based on the single player. Interested to get the full experience with other people through private servers.

One time I stubbed my toe at a doorframe and screamed exactly like the werehog does when he dies