103 Reviews liked by JCLKaytwo

Fever dream fever dream fever dream

I went in Mario's peanits!

NSO Gameboy

I suppose there has to be a Mario game which is considered the worst, and by default that is Super Mario Land (I forgot about The Lost Levels when writing this, which speaks for itself about that game). I've come around on this game just because I've got more experience in older games now than when I first played this and really don't think it's a bad game anymore, but the physics and controls do hold it back to the point where there's no other Mario game which could be considered worse. This game does actually have some really good ideas in it such as the theme being a desert, the vehicle sections which are the best way to incorporate auto-scrollers, the music is very lively and even though it was outdated only 3 years later by Mario Land 2 it's still worth trying mostly due to how short it is, and now that it's on the switch it's more convenient to play too.

Ah yes, the videogame Ocean

Kirby beats the shit out of them later on.

I would buy this game if I could.
I can understand how opinions could vary on this game, considering there isn't a story mode or a campaign to tie these courses together. It mainly relies on the gameplay loop being entertaining enough to keep players interested.
But I cannot express how much more fun this game is than I was initially expecting it to be since I haven't found much interest in the other 99-player games made during the Switch generation.
But the amount of content, the variety of customizable items you can get, and the legitimately really great online play and balancing make for a really addicting game to play.
Some might not consider this a mainline F-Zero game, but with the amount of engagement I have seen with this game, I would legitimately be surprised if no new F-Zero came of this.

when wreck it ralph came out, i saw it in theaters with friends and when qbert came on screen i shouted "oh my god it's qbert". needless to say, i don't get any pussy. also this game sucks

King K Rool makes this game perfect. The rest is cool too.

This was my introduction to the the great and holy video game genre that is the Metroidvania. It was truly an eye-opening experience; how could I have not known about a genre so divine for so long? I shall now make my formal apology to the Metroidvania genre for my years of ignorance of its qualities, such as its maps, its abilities, and its secrets. From now on, my heart is truly devoted to the Metroidvania genre and all the amazing games it has given us.

(im joking but this is an amazing game and it did introduce me to metroidvanias)

So you're telling me this version...
- has better graphics
- has less annoying text speed
- has aiming that isn't garbage
- has a hint system for all those cryptic moments
- has a much less tedious to navigate Water Temple
- and has the Master Quest, an entire hard mode with not only harder enemies but also harder dungeons, included
...and yet some people say the N64 version is better?

I have never understood the love for Mega Man 2. Among many fans of the Mega Man series, as well as fans of platformers and retro games in general, Mega Man 2 is often considered the best game in the series. Of the original classic games for the NES, it sold the best by a considerable margin. Some would say that is reflective of the game’s quality, but to me, that sales figure just reflects why the game is so beloved. It’s the most popular, and most people’s first entry into the series before the Legacy Collection came along. I think Mega Man 2 is the worst of the eleven classic Mega Man games, and I will try to explain my numerous issues with this game. Unlike in Mega Man 1, where most of the issues were systemic and affected many different parts of the game, in Mega Man 2, a lot of the issues are caused by a single bad decision that just casts a wide shadow over the game.

Full review at https://medium.com/@QueenEmilysCourt/mega-man-2-the-worst-classic-mega-man-e9c0c3c342ca

I'd love to give this a 9/10 but I have to stay strong and admit that it is still a cancelled game for the Virtual Boy.

EDIT = I gave in lol

I remember the Wii U eShop days when this was the biggest steal in gaming history


Look, I get this game was phenomenal for its time and was very influential that it paved the way for future 3D action games but calling it the greatest game of all time that has been topped by no other is quite a stretch, especially when 1. this game has a few flaws (cryptic moments, clunky controls, the water temple) that other (especially newer) games don't have, and 2. quite a lot of games I've played HAVE topped it in my eyes, including other Zelda games. I'm aware of the contributions this game has on the industry and I respect it for that but that doesn't have any effect on how much fun I have playing it. Mario 1 and Mario 64 were also very influential but you wouldn't catch me dead saying they're better than Odyssey or the Galaxy games.

With that being said it is a great game tho, not the best Zelda on the N64 tho

Good, but loses the amazing atmosphere and vibe of the first and doesn't make up for it. The green stars are some of the most boring shit in any Mario game as well, thank god for dolphin emulator

Not my OCD trying to fill in every single cube on the map every time i enter a new room. Aside from that 10/10 tbh