so cool how they made a game based off that one track from mario kart 8 deluxe


Somehow they managed to make the video game equivalent of the Minions likeable. Who could've guessed?

This game is overflowing with ideas, but in the Mario way; in that it doesn't feel overstuffed at all. I don't know how Nintendo does it.

It may not be the "big new F-Zero" that many fans want, and considering this is the first F-Zero release since my birth I can't help but be a little disappointed. But on its own terms, this is still an absolute blast. I'm a fan of the "99" series, and F-Zero translates flawlessly to that formula. It's chaotic and fast paced in all the best ways. I also like that they remastered the game (both the visuals, which are in true 3D now, and the driving physics are substantially improved), rather than just making a straight port with battle royale elements tacked on top of it. My main issue lies with the fact that your entire race can be ended through no fault of your own by bumping into those freaking NPC drivers that are sometimes totally unavoidable. Also, launching the game with only 7 tracks was a lame move. At least the other tracks came in quickly.

Personally, my idea of what games I would call a "masterpiece" is simple: Have stellar game design, but also make the player feel something. Mario games all too often qualify for the former, but fail at the latter. They're great platformers, but not individually memorable experiences.

There are, in my opinion, three exceptions. Galaxy 1 absorbs me in its melancholy atmosphere and cinematic presentation. Odyssey makes me feel like I'm going on a huge adventure never knowing what's gonna happen next. And now, Wonder makes me feel an emotion that not many games manage to elicit, all things considered: Pure unadulterated JOY. It really wouldn't be a stretch to call this the most joyful video game ever made.

I went into this knowing this would be the best 2D Mario by a wide margin (not that that's a high bar), but I was not prepared for just how much I would enjoy this game. The game takes clear inspiration from platformers of the past but manages to craft something totally new out of it. It's endlessly creative but manages to almost never cross the line into pure gimmickry. And then there's the simply unrivaled level of personality, a carefree happiness that persists throughout the whole game. From the moment the wonder effect in the second level happened (not gonna spoil it), I was smitten. An instant classic and one of the best sidescrollers ever made.

PS. I will fight anyone who says this is the "best 2D Mario since the SNES". Get over yourselves

Nintendo's at the top of their game in terms of level design and mechanics, but I hold a resentment for this game because of how safe it played things. This is one of the best games I've ever played, but at the same time, I just know that it could've SO EASILY been significantly better if Nintendo just put some more passion into it. The same passion that they put into the first game. But as it stands, this game is simultaneously flawless and soulless.

The best 2D platformer ever made. This game is meticulously crafted to a degree I didn't even know was possible for a linear sidescroller. Similar to DKC2 before it, Tropical Freeze subtly reinvented the principles of platformer level design in ways that people sadly seemed to overlook through the years, but it's absolutely set a new standard that future developers and games in the genre should be compared to.

To this day, this is only level-based platformer I've ever seen that specifically prioritizes the individual LEVELS as its main design focus. Each and every level in this game is so distinct and fleshed out from one another, from both an environmental and mechanical standpoint, that I'd even go the length to say that any of this game's individual levels contain just as many ideas as you'd find in an entire WORLD of any standard platformer. Alpine Incline, for example, takes you on an entire journey from the base of a mountain to the skies. This massive level is just ONE of the nine levels in world 2, all of which live up to the same degree of scope and design genius.

To this day, I feel that Tropical Freeze is the only example of a true "AAA" 2D platformer, one that gives the genre a level of production, craft, and attention to detail that rivals any of the biggest blockbuster games from the modern era. It truly is the next evolution in platformer level design, but it's one that can only be executed by the most creative minds in the industry.

Also, thank you David Wise for blessing my ears. Love you

This is a boundary pushing game in pretty much every aspect, and the main campaign is teetering on a 10/10.

However, while I agree with the consensus that this game is very accessible compared to other "hardcore games", I did feel like the B-sides and Farewell were excessively difficult just for the sake of being difficult, and I personally don't find that type of design fun or rewarding at all. But to be fair, they are optional. Stellar game otherwise.

Imagine if Mario still died by falling a few feet lmao

Wait there's no time travelling in this. Why is this called link to the past

Ok this rating may seem ridiculous, but I cannot stress enough just HOW MUCH FUN this game is on the Switch. The tilt controls work perfectly, and the level design takes full advantage of the game's main concept. It never gets stale, as so many fresh ideas are thrown in throughout to mix things up. It's so much more than just a gimmick. I hope this game's average rating improves in the future. I highly recommend this overlooked game. If you like the ball-rolling levels from Mario Galaxy, you'll like this game just the same.

Why doesn't this have multiplayer