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I'm not going to give this a star review. There's nothing to judge as far as gameplay seeing that it is a visual novel - even some of the few choices you can make still end in the result of

"Say yes or no"
select yes
"I couldn't say yes. I said no anyway."

Which, in any other kind of game would annoy me to hell and back. Don't give me a fake choice if the character doesn't listen.
But in a game like this, rather in a story like this, choices didn't seem to really exist. Our main character was left to believe that they didn't have any real choices.

This is a sad story. I can't say I recommend this game on any merit other than - knowing people's stories can help you be more aware of what others go through in life.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. If Splatterhouse 3 decided to not make any changes to the formula then people would complain that it was "another game just like the first two, no one asked for this!" but because there were some significant gameplay changes you're bound to have people crying that it "doesn't feel like a Splatterhouse game".

The overall feel is the same grotesque romp of absolutely annihilating monsters as our beefcake protagonist, Rick, but the play is much more typical beat 'em up. The monsters have more life, Rick has more moves, and everything is a bit more intense.

Think Double Dragon if it were a horror movie.

6 games in 1 box?! Uh, well. Kind of.
Volleyball, Tennis, and hockey - each played as singles or doubles. So. 6.

But each game functions similarly- they're all Pong clones. The Hockey setting is the most unique when played in doubles - each player has a "goalie" paddle closer to their goal, and a second paddle further out towards the middle of the screen, with both middle paddles actually being on the opponent's half of the screen.

As far as Pong consoles go, it's a pretty OK one, but there are far better.

There are far better Someone X Someone Fighters, AND they thought it was funny to use that version of Mega Man?

Around the same time as two canceled games in the Mega Man franchise, and they decide to go with not only a joke version, but a really gross and awful take on what was already bad cover art?
We deserved so much better.

Ever play a game, think "this is really awful", and then find out it's universally loved and praised and you're not entirely sure why?

Yeah. That.

After the 2nd or 3rd hour of dialog, I was pretty checked out.
The art style is gorgeous, I'll give it that.

Mid-2000's stoner humor packed into an artificially difficult platformer : apparently that's what the indie world wanted back in 2010 because Super Meat Boy exploded in popularity.

But that didn't mean it was any good. Honestly the characters alone are enough for this to not get a great rating. I'll give it 2 stars for briefly making tough platforming popular again.

Umihare Kawase has among the most fluid feeling swinging and grappling mechanics I've ever experienced in a game but WHO PUT ALL OF THE GAME STATS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SCREEN?!

Seriously how is no one else bothered by this? Am I really just crazy and overly sensitive to this?

Two questions to decide if you'll enjoy PN03:
Do you enjoy arcade style games that involve trying to get a high score by doing the same thing over and over?

Does the "sexy girl shooting robots while inside a 2004 iMac and jamming to electronica" aesthetic appeal to you at all?

If you said "yes" to both of these then this is a great game.
PN03 is absolutely not a game for everyone. The gameplay is clunky (tank controls being a factor), the action is repetitive, and the scenery rarely changes. But if you're into the vibe of the game and come from a world where a high score is bragging rights, then PN03 is genuinely a great time.

Remember when games didn't have ads after every round? Remember when this was not an arcade game that cost more money to play?

Yeah. It wasn't really good then, either. Fruit Ninja was mediocre mobile fodder at best, and an ad plagued wasteland at worst.

I would love to say that this was a great introduction to early First Person Shooters (or Doom clones, as we called them back then) for kids, but I'm pretty sure no kid actually played this first. We all already had Doom or Wolfenstein and then this came out and was just another fun and crazy game to play.

Chex Quest is significantly better than you'd expect for a game based on cereal.

Ever play Guitar Hero with just a regular PS2 controller instead of a guitar? Thanks to a friend breaking his other guitar controller so he only had one, that was most of my experience.

5/5 teenage memory- 3/5 rhythm game.

Silent Hill 4: The Room is about a guy who lives in a luxury apartment in New York City who spends too much time watching his neighbor through a peep hole.

Ok that might not be a completely accurate description but it's close enough.

The absolute only Far Cry game worth playing - and it's almost entirely for the aesthetic. But if you're into the 80's-Psuedo-Futuristic thing, it's very cool.
Otherwise you have a pretty typical FPS for it's time. Solid, no major complaints, very cool atmosphere, but nothing wild beyond that.

You came to the reviews of BUBSY on the ATARI JAGUAR. What the hell are you expecting?

It's bad. It's unremarkably bad, to be honest. It does absolutely nothing notable outside of the usual Bubsy problems- he wants nothing more than to run at the speed of light into oncoming traffic because Bubsy enjoys two things : bad puns, and trying to off himself.

Ever play a game and think "THIS is going to be one people will be talking about real soon" and then that never happens?

That's Lost In Shadow, to me.

Fairly simple in mechanics, it's very similar to what I'd imagine a more modern Prince of Persia would be like but with an aesthetic and feel much closer to Ico or Shadow of the Collosus - a kind of dark and tranquil sadness.

I guess it was just too overshadowed by the likes of Braid to make the impact I expected.

The biggest downside is that the combat is very simple, which is fine in and of itself, but there are absolutely segments that I think demanded a better system.