Tapper is better when it is Root Beer Tapper.

You know when something is funny because it's just dumb enough but it somehow worked? That WAS Goat Simulator.

Then they did the next typical thing where they somehow started taking it too seriously and tried to make it more than it is.
The fact that there are more in this "series" makes this first one endlessly less funny - like a comedian who keeps the same shtick for too many years.

Let's call it what it is. A super cutesy simple rhythm game with great music, a nice difficulty curve, and.... uh... well, thank God for the "the characters are now all cats" option.
Seriously, the in-game character models are chibi goofiness for the most part. Their models in the menus and in loading screen art, however, make this a game I can't play around children.
A more modest option would make this game pretty much perfect. Stop making the "don't ask how old the girls are" joke.

The absolute only Far Cry game worth playing - and it's almost entirely for the aesthetic. But if you're into the 80's-Psuedo-Futuristic thing, it's very cool.
Otherwise you have a pretty typical FPS for it's time. Solid, no major complaints, very cool atmosphere, but nothing wild beyond that.

This is referring to the NES port of Double Dragon.

Where do you draw the line between "good for its time" vs "good regardless of being old"?
Double Dragon just feels like an arcade game, in that it becomes unnecessarily difficult in order to pad out the timing. The first half of the game pulls you in as you fairly quickly level up your abilities- going from only being able to punch and kick, to adding on headbutting, jump kicking, and. Uh. Slapping in the face, I guess?
All of this just for the second half of the game to figuratively (and literally?) slap YOU in the face until you are practically forced to learn how to cheese your way through the rest.

I love Double Dragon. I've loved Double Dragon for 30 years. But there are far far better Beat Em Up games- if this one isn't your cup of tea, try another.

I don't care what anyone said, Pokémon Snap is one of the best Rail Shooters.

You know that feeling where you think a game is really good because you're a child and only own a few games?
Yeah. That feeling. I love this game but I'm partially convinced it's stockholm syndrome.

Silent Hill 4: The Room is about a guy who lives in a luxury apartment in New York City who spends too much time watching his neighbor through a peep hole.

Ok that might not be a completely accurate description but it's close enough.

I wish I could say this was "so bad that it's good" but it's not. It's just bad, unfunny, and unfun.

I would love to say that this was a great introduction to early First Person Shooters (or Doom clones, as we called them back then) for kids, but I'm pretty sure no kid actually played this first. We all already had Doom or Wolfenstein and then this came out and was just another fun and crazy game to play.

Chex Quest is significantly better than you'd expect for a game based on cereal.

Did you know there's a multi-player mode? No one ever talks about how hilarious of an experience the multi-player is.

There's nothing else to say, it's a terrible game otherwise.

I feel like this clarification needs to be made.
This is NOT the NES Mega Man 2. This is the Tiger Electronics handheld.
My 4 Star rating is judging it with other similar devices- this is absolutely not a 4 Star compared to the actual game.
It is, however, a 4 Star LCD screen game.

Ever play Guitar Hero with just a regular PS2 controller instead of a guitar? Thanks to a friend breaking his other guitar controller so he only had one, that was most of my experience.

5/5 teenage memory- 3/5 rhythm game.

Every once in a while there are games, or movies, or TV shows, etc that are so loved and raved about and yet....I can't even see why.
Not even a matter of "not for me, but I see this appeal" but genuinely to the point of "can someone please explain to me what you like about this?"

That's Toejam and Earl. It's a slow paced walking simulator with blobs for characters? I guess if people like it, go ahead. But I'm not seeing it.

Mario Golf on the Game Boy Color is such an absurdly good golf game for the time. Create your character, then go explore the country club and start golfing!