Wait, why was this actually funny and fun?

I about died laughing when I found out that Momo is a character.
Fairly basic tile-matching game with predictable power ups, but still well put together and fun. Otherwise it's memorizing random bits of information (birthdays, occupations, bra size... the usual "dating sim" shlock), and then laughing at the ridiculousness in between.

Rampage 2: Universal Tour is peak "sleepover while eating pizza" fun.

In actuality, Rampage always feels like an arcade game in that it is extremely repetitive and probably best in small doses.
Unless, of course, it's a sleepover and you and your friends are determined to finish it TONIGHT, BEFORE MIDNIGHT, NO ONE SLEEPS UNTIL WE ARE DONE, GUYS

I know Jack-all about Football but NFL Blitz 2000 somehow made this interesting and fun for us less athletically inclined folks.

Not quite NBA Jam levels of crazy, but still a legitimately good time.

Definitely not as good as Wario Land 4, but this is probably the 2nd best Wario game.

It just happens to be on the Virtual Boy for some reason...
Anyone ever remake this as a GBA game?

The late 90's were full of either/or questions where you HAD to pick a side - no wavering!

Britney or Christina?
Coke or Pepsi?
Mario Kart 64 or Diddy Kong Racing?

And for the record:
Mario Kart 64

Diddy Kong Racing is charming and plays wonderfully, but it's so hard to pretend I care about most of these characters. Surely they could have done better than Conker, Banjo, and a slew of random animals. Not that they're not cute in their own right, but when you're showing me Diddy Kong and I can't be any other Kong character? I was mad as a child and I'm mad about it all over again.

This is, hands down, the ugliest fighting game I've ever seen.

It's also about as fun as it is pretty.

Why does Mario have a gun, and why is the trigger button not the trigger button, but instead it's the button on the top of the gun?

I don't know, but this actually ended up being really fun.

PLEASE, PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD, PLEASE LET ME DO MORE THAN ONE THING AT A TIME! The crafting and landscaping is horrendous. Everything you do takes so long because you can do exactly one thing at a time. Why can't I make 7 shovels at once? I have the ingredients, just let me do it!

Being able to actually interact with some household items would be great, too. I'm not asking for fully integrated functionality for everything, but if you're going to let me sit a guitar in the corner at least let my little character pick it up.

I enjoyed this for a while, but the fact that these things become more and more relevant the longer you play - this is more boring than fun by this point.

How do you make a rhythm game where your timing is so off?

The songs are just about all unbearable and clunky, as well. I'm not sure many people with a strong sense of rhythm were actually involved in the making of PaRappa the Rapper.

Man, the mid 2010's were so weird and full of intentionally bad games because they were funny.

Don't get me wrong, they WERE funny. At the time I would have given this a 4 star rating - but I can't recommend this type of game any more. The moment has passed, and unless you're in the market for trying to relive this weird era of game humor, there's not much to see here.

Get Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat out of here - THIS was THE Fighting game of the 90's.

Not to mention the incredible soundtrack.

When I was 13 I would have argued that Columns is a better puzzle game than Tetris.

I was wrong, but that doesn't mean Columns is a bad game at all. Another take on the "match 3" elimination style puzzle as your pieces come falling from the sky, Columns is absolutely a rewarding and addictive experience.

Here's a list of mechanics that I guess a lot of people are into, but could not possibly be less interesting to me:

- Breakable weapons
- Unnecessary crafting
- Large open world (that's mostly empty)
- A complex physics engine for the sake of... existing, I guess? What the hell even are these temples?

Congratulations, Zelda, for the first time in franchise history you made the most uninteresting game possible by using all of the popular conventions of current gaming while doing nothing interesting or new.

But mostly it's the breakable weapons I'm mad about. This is a mechanic that will almost guarantee I dislike it.

I knew nothing about the controversy. I didn't see the Kickstarter. I didn't know who was involved in the making of this game.

I happened to see a game that looked like a MegaMan ripoff, so sure let's check it out.

And you know what? It's a bit rough, but a lot of fun. It was THEN that I found out the horror story leading up to this game and.... well. I don't blame anyone who was involved in the pre-game mess for being jaded.
But outside of that, I think the game gets too much unwarranted hate carried over from the early mess.