This would probably be higher if I had played it in it's prime, but I've only been introduced to COD MP in recent years so I don't have a lot to say on the MP side of things.
Now zombies is another story as I've put days and days into this game. Origins is my favorite map of all time and buried as well as MOB are incredible, but you can't ignore the missteps like Tranzit and Die Rise

Barely played more than 2 hours and I say this as someone who has never played a legit RPG before... This is one of the best games I've ever played. Blessing and a curse really to have this as my first RPG I've played because on one hand, what a way to start, but on the other hand, there's no chance any RPG comes anywhere near this

I'm around 8 hours in and I freaking love this game. I have never been a massive fan of Fallout and I haven't really played many Bethesda games in general, but this had me hook, line and sinker since it was fully revealed. A space RPG with hundreds of planets, an interesting storyline and a million different ways you can play that also is incredibly expansive and will take a long long time for me to finish? Yeah sign me up. I'm obsessed with this and the only reason it's not 5 stars is because I haven't finished it, but there's a good chance it gets bumped up to a 5

Still easily the best sports franchise

When my girlfriend got this, I thought it looked fun but probably something that I could never really get into. But here we are like a week later and I'm absolutely fucking addicted

Kind of an unpopular opinion I guess, but I think this game is awesome. Cool setting with the Revolutionary War and really fun gameplay

Just like all the other Halo games, this is strictly campaign only. It's really not great and easily the worst Halo story. I don't care about Locke or his team and the entire Cortana storyline seems so not like Halo and just plain weird. I'm glad Infinite took things back to basics

Really good, just not my favorite

This is strictly for the campaign which I actually really enjoy, I was always really impressed with the graphics, the story was a welcome introduction to this new chapter and the gameplay was super smooth imo

Please please please please have Skate 4 be good