People may think this is a meme or a joke, but I'm 22 years old, play minecraft all the time with my friend and I legit think this is the best game of all time

EASILY the best Star Wars game ever made, still have a PS2 specifically so I can play this game from time to time

(This is only for the story mode) I actually really enjoyed this, stayed up the first night it came out and played nonstop until I beat it. Really like the open world mode, just wish there were some more activities to do once you finish the campaign

Really good, just not my favorite

This is strictly for the campaign which I actually really enjoy, I was always really impressed with the graphics, the story was a welcome introduction to this new chapter and the gameplay was super smooth imo

It's perfectly okay. A bit overrated in my opinion, but still extremely solid

Just like all the other Halo games, this is strictly campaign only. It's really not great and easily the worst Halo story. I don't care about Locke or his team and the entire Cortana storyline seems so not like Halo and just plain weird. I'm glad Infinite took things back to basics

For zombies only, this is the best zombies game Treyarch has made. With maps like DE, Gorod and Shadows of evil you really can't go wrong. Yes you have Zet and Revelations, but add in Zombie Chronicles and it easily makes up for those lack luster maps. Gameplay is addicting, Easter eggs for the most part are challenging but extremely rewarding when you beat them (like Gorod for example) MP is super fun with the best version of exo suits we've seen in COD. Campaign is fucking bad though

This is going to be controversial I know, but all around I think this is the best Call of Duty since Black Ops II. I have over 30 days played in just zombies alone (yes I am a loser) but this zombies experience is so much freaking fun. yes the easter egg's are extremely easy, but the gameplay changes they made here are fucking excellent. I like that they took a risk on Outbreak and while I didn't totally enjoy it, I appreciate the swing.
Now for MP, I actually really enjoyed this as well, I got DM Ultra or whatever the mastery camo is for MP, it was a grind and with SBMM it was rough at times, but the snipers were fun, maps were wayyyy better than MW19 and I could just have a good time with my friends.
Campaign was solid too, had a lot of fun playing it. Not much else to say about it though

This would probably be higher if I had played it in it's prime, but I've only been introduced to COD MP in recent years so I don't have a lot to say on the MP side of things.
Now zombies is another story as I've put days and days into this game. Origins is my favorite map of all time and buried as well as MOB are incredible, but you can't ignore the missteps like Tranzit and Die Rise