It's not a bad game, per se; the writing and atmosphere is stellar and the art is worth at least watching some sort of hour-long walkthrough just to get a glimpse of it.

The problem is that the gameplay is more slow, methodical, and sluggish than it really needs to be; moving the ship around is a process in and of itself and combat is essentially "who can press the attack button first, me or the AI?"

All of that has been fixed in Sunless Skies, which makes playing this game obsolete.

There's plenty about the game that's straight up bad, like the enemies with pistols being the most annoying part of the game and a handful of the bosses being tests of patience where you sit and wait for them to do one attack out of about three you can actually counter in some way. Shit like that would make any other game insufferable.

But the fact that most people in Travis' life "help" him by abusing him sexually, verbally, and physically and the humor around him being a badass who takes down other badasses just so he can finally get laid really makes up for it.

It's just a good, funny, creative little game. Doesn't overstay its welcome, has just about the most original silly sci-fi ideas since Hitchhiker's; it's just a good game. Real glad I played it.

It's a very short and sweet kind of puzzle game, which helps it more than hinders it; for all the unique ideas and mechanics it has about perspective and spacing, it'd probably wear out its welcome if it went on too long.

Has a very lovely, somewhat inspiring ending, as well; left me ending the game with a smile on my face from more than just the pleasant feeling of figuring out the shadow door puzzle.

Honestly, the only real problem I have with this game is that gauging distance for jumps and attacks is so specific that if you fuck up not only does it not feel like your fault, but it sucks the tension out of 90% of the situations. Everything else is pretty good, even if it didn't make a lick of sense.

That mannequin room will stick with me forever.

Despite the horror elements being a bit blase and the pixel art a bit amateur at times, it's an awfully creative game that has just enough beats to keep me going and even more side stuff to develop a world both inside and outside a bunch of offices full of weirdos.

One of the most mid-tier Arkane games, in my opinion: it feels like they sacrificed some of the restraints of morality and cut out depth along with it. It's still fun, I love Colt, the style, and especially the music, but it doesn't come close to Prey or Dishonored.

God bless them for trying, cause this is super fun and can be broken in so many ways when it isn't glitching out or spewing random bullshit.

I wouldn't call it scary to any degree, but the writing and characters made every bit of this game enjoyable even when puzzles and bosses became too cryptic and annoying.


Remember to get totstugeki to fix the loading times on PC because that's the only mistake that can be patched out unlike Sol and Leo
- An I-no main

Put in 8 hours, finished the entire game with a buddy, found half the mini-games and won most of them, still don't know whether this game was made for kids or adults.

Some of the bosses suck dick and you'd probably end up dead if you took a shot for every cutscene that transitioned into another black-and-white cutscene and back, but it was extremely fun outside of all that with how well you can pull off stealth if you're not a moron like me.

The final act cemented the idea that this is the best written MGS, even if I didn't fall for half the "twists."

The controls feel like you have to type up a paragraph on why it isn't your fault you get caught sometimes, but it's something you learn to adapt to and is more a learning curve than an entirely antiquated scheme.

I did not beat the game and at this point I refuse to.