Absolute masterpiece. No other words

If you like this game for any reason outside of nostalgia, I genuinely worry for your mental well being.

The fact that Hideki Naganuma never wrote music for another Sonic game should be considered a crime against all humanity

Great game. FUCK Doug TenNapel tho.

Honestly, I cant choose whether I like this or TTYD more. Both are equally brilliant in my eyes.

That is the sonic game of all time.

Boost stages are 10/10. Werehog is ok but MY GOD I HATE THOSE FUCKING MEDALS

On of the most charming and ingenious rhythm games ever made.

No its not perfect, but I honestly could care less about the backtracking, or occasional tedious bit. This is still one of the most charming and enthralling RPGs I've ever played with one of the most ingenious and fun battle systems ever crafted.

This game is fucking ass, but HOLY FUCK is it hilarious.
(also thank god P-06 exists)

This game is objectively bad, but I still adore it anyways.


Absolutely brilliant and heart wrenching . . .

too bad the creators are kinda terrible people.

I had been trying and failing to engage with the Pikmin series for about a year.

And now I finally get it.