I don't know it's fun what can I say?

The only flaw I have is that Rosalina needs more screen time, in fact they should make her a playable character in Super Mario Galaxy 3.

It took a long time to finally give this game a 10/10, also Mario should've went with Pauline instead of Peach, don't get me wrong I like Peach but Pauline is better.

Honestly this is still a really fun great game to play. Sackboy, Oddsock, Toggle, and Swoop are adorable, Newton's a funny yet sinister villain at the same time. If I had any problems with the game I think the characters that help the main characters on their journey aren't as memorable or likable as the characters in the second game, and Newton while menacing isn't as amazing or threatening as the Negativitron. But this still a great game to a series that pretty nostalgic towards.

In my world Chun-Li and Garcello are in a romantic relationship, but anyways an ok game.

Oh my gosh this game is so darn great how come none of you ever told me!?

Got the Deluxe edition for 6 bucks.

Easily the best 2d Mario platformer in my eyes because it's Yoshi. I played this on the Switch

The funniest aspect of this amazing game is that you can skip the cyberspace levels just by fishing with Big the Cat.

Yay this is pretty much a better Sonic 3 honestly mostly because you can play as knuckles, and this was a more fun experience than 3, those secret stages still suck though.

Yep, still the funniest Sonic game and still a blast to play.

Ok, this is now my favorite Sonic game and one of my favorite games in general.

Ok, maybe I was a bit too harsh on this game.

So had the balls to play it again, and yeah it's amazing.