For my first Metroid game I have played it was pretty good. I personally don’t like Metroidvanias. But this was really good the backtracking was 70% good. The 2 final bosses were also very difficult but really fun.


A solid game that I enjoyed. The game looks amazing and the gameplay is decent. Nothing else to say. Not great but still solid.

Still is a masterpiece.

Very overhyped but still really good. The levels are good for the most part, I really like Wheatley and cave Johnson as new characters, and the finale is great. It is also really funny.

I was not expecting this game to be THIS GOOD. Great and wacky story, fantastic partners and gameplay. The chapters are amazing. Everything is such a improvement over the original. I love this game. I think this is just as good if not even better then bug fables.

Still is a masterpiece and everyone knows it.

I kinda realize that I love this game. The gameplay is phenomenal, It looks amazing, the bosses are really fun. The finale is way better than I remember. The parkour sections are really fun. Jack cooper and BT are also really great protagonist. Go play it.

Played it again. It is still amazing but now the more time I think. I do think 2 and 3 are equal now. I still do love 3 but 2 gets better and better the more I think about it. For now I like both about the same.

Masterpiece of a video game

A great game that has problems but I still really like it.

Love the game but the problems hold the game from 10.

I have to take a break after that ending

Still pretty dam amazing

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Pretty damn good game. I really like the first person gameplay. That doll house might now be the most terrifying thing in any resident evil game ever. I found the finale really good. Rip Ethan and the cringe one liners.