73 Reviews liked by JessieWare

Easily a contender for my favorite games ever made, truthfully I wish I wasn't stuck as Chris RE1 in terms of inventory but I suppose that's on me for hoarding my items for the final boss :/

Signalis is true love letter to the survival horror genre, including the annoying limited inventory. Signalis looks great with an incredible pixel art style that complements the story amazingly. On the topic of the story its both confusing and engaging. Sometime Signalis leaves you scratching your head in confusion, but the story seems to lean on your own ability to interpret it and devise an understanding. all in all Signalis, in spite of its inventory problem, is probably the best game of 2022

this game has got to be one of my first 10/10 games ive played this year. solid across al fields and is a fucking immaculate piece of art, i have not been able to get this damn game off my mind these past few days, i love this game to death man

EDIT AS OF 7/8/2023: there is so much i have left to say about the game. i am currently going thru a second run of the game to get the other endings and playing this game more to just understand it more, as i am sure i have more to uncover. besides that though, this game alone with its narrative, its music, its environment... its everything, really. this whole game gave me so much juice, so much inspiration and a new drive to work on my own personal writing projects. a few months ago, i was having a crisis as i did not know the direction i wanted to take with my writing and my characters. though after having played this game, i now have a solid direction. so with that being said, thank u rose-engine for creating signalis.


One of the best indie and 2D action games i've ever played. It's just so fucking good. It's fun, challenging, satisfying. It just feels good.

Exceptional level design and awesome music! The story is interesting, though some of the big reveals fall flat. The dialogue choice system is in my mind the golden standard for such a thing, all choices feel equally viable for the character, feel impactful in the moment, and the interrupting mechanic is genius.

Beautiful visuals, satisfying action, loved the Neo Noir story which I found similar to Max Payne...
4/5, would recommend.

Simply one of the best games I've played, so unique and a great story and characters too. Playing the Portal story the first time is an experience.

I have spent 100 hours on this game in the month its been out. I am so thankful to have experienced this game. The combat is improved, traversal is more user friendly, the score is even better, story is larger yet remains just as personal, i could go on forever.

Vanilla game completely blind: 8.5/10
Vanilla game with book and prior game knowledge: 9.25/10
Witcher 3 Enhanced Edition mod with prior series knowledge: one of the best damn gaming experiences you will ever experience.

Game of the Year-winning Overwatch (2016) is no longer playable as of October 2022. The Last of Us Factions MP (2013) still is. We stragglers stay winning 😎😤
