Entirely thematically justified by the player character refreshingly being just another soldier in a larger conflict instead of a magical chosen one destined to save the world, but fuck me there's a lot of busywork in this.

Still, it's a great world to explore. I spent ages just running around, jank-platforming up rocks, setting the camera to first-person and diving off the highest points I could find. The combat is great, your teammates are a good bunch, and when the robots finally arrive the game shifts gear and opens up even further. If you can fight your way through the bloat, there's a lot to love.

Loved this to bits. Hilariously complex battle system, adorable cast on a globetrotting adventure, and ludicrous boobs. Clicked with me big time, and cemented my love of Xenoblade as a thing.

An essential companion piece, tweaked combat that's even more enjoyable than XC2, and an ending that made me well up. Xenoblade just keeps getting better.

Ride Bionis

Life good

Bionis fight back


An already great game polished to near perfection.

Peak Xenoblade this, looks gorgeous and plays great and you get to command a mini Nopon army.

Picked this up to do a OneBro run, only to find the aggro range is weirdly massive, so now the Anor Londo archers shoot at you before you even see them. The Dark Souls of Dark Souls.

Felt like I'd rinsed this game on PS3, but having it on Switch with a few tiny changes has made visiting one of my favourite places to see old pals a regular occurrence. I think I'll love it forever.

Picked this up cheap only having a vague idea of what it was, had a blast until I got stuck on Tower Knight, looked up how the multiplayer worked and read an article that said the servers were shutting down in a month. Disappointed I'd be getting a lesser experience, I sacked it off and bought Dark Souls.

After Dark Souls, I thought I'd try this again, and found the servers were still going. I had an incredible time with it, the dreamy atmosphere sucked me right in, and I cheesed my way through the whole thing without ever gitting gud because that's how I reckon I would do it if it was real.

I'll play the remake when there's a GOTY edition on a PS5 Slim.

Had a quick go on Ascension at a Glesgames where I didn't actually talk to anyone, enjoyed it a lot, picked it up with the intention getting good before I go again.

I really like this, it's frantic and tactical and makes me laugh, but it's hard to get a game on a GMT schedule unless you stay up til 2am to play with folk in the U.S.

Please come join me at the ugly bug brawl.

a pure and perfect videogame, I cannot fault it

I really dig the look. The new weapons make it a slightly different game, and hence the original is not made redundant. This is how to do a sequel. Love it.

I wish I were a more persuasive person, so I could convince folk to play this with me. It's a cracking little RPG-lite brawler with a daft fun story, and although you can flip between two classes during single-player, I feel like I'm missing out on the spectacle of a full team controlling the field and battering wave after wave of enemies with mad power combos.

Next time it's a fiver I'll threaten to buy it for you.

Nice and simple, does a good job of teaching fundamentals to filthy casuals like myself, but I'm just not a fighting game person.

Not sure why I bought this, I was never any good at it. I guess it's just one of those games that ought to be on every machine. Bit gutted the car smashing is gone tho.

Picked it up super cheap, the idea of a one-hit-kill fighter sounded neat, but I've yet to play against an actual person.