One of my very few Game Gear games. Cracking music. Always got stuck at the same point though, unable to pass a lava bit. I should probably try it again.

I swapped some of my Game Gear carts with a pal in a move I wrongly assumed to be temporary, and ended up playing this a lot. It's not good, but the music burned into my brain and I still hum it occasionally.

My first Super Mario game! We "borrowed" a cousins Gameboy while at a big family party, walking home with it afterwards, dashing from lamppost to lamppost to see the screen. Later, once my brother had his own Gameboy (I went Game Gear) I battered through this regularly. V weird game in hindsight, but at the time that's what I thought Mario was all about.

My actual first Mario game, loaded from a cassette tape onto a Spectrum and played with the keyboard. Not particularly interesting or fun to handle. Years later I played it with Fisher and co, it's a good laugh when you're working against each other. One time I won by grabbing a mystery mushroom, shouting "MYSTERY" as the characters swapped places and my opponent ran into a koopa.

Don't really have the words for this one. Truly special.

I still remember the excitement of seeing that first reveal trailer, Nintendo screaming IT'S BRAND NEW FOR YOU directly into my face, the colours and sounds and energy. Here's fun, have at it.

That first summer of Splatoon was one of the best times.

Miserable hateful garbage. Looks and plays great, but at what cost?

Recently found out that one of my friends did the motion capture for this!? Decided to go back and replay it, but emulation is...not good. So we rely on memory.

Janky framerate aside, this game kicked fucking ass. The sheer number of ideas they crammed into the weapons and gadgets was astonishing. Emptying a clip and throwing the gun itself which then explodes? Never got old. 4-player deathmatch with x-ray sniper rifles? Consistently hilarious. Dual wielding automatic pistols while riding a hoverbike around Area 51? I was the ultimate badass.

Remote controlled missiles. Spy cameras. Disguises. Multiplayer bots with a range of behaviours. Co-op and competitive 2-player story mode. Aliens. An own-brand Sean Connery. The list goes on. Love love love it.

Played this on a Spectrum. It was monochrome, and levels had to be loaded from a tape one at a time. Failing a level meant rewinding the tape a bit, but there was no counter on my tape deck, so there was a guesswork minigame built-in too. I was okay at the main game and great at the tape guessing game.

My mum got well into this, but late into the game she did a swan dive off a sphinx then hit quicksave instead of quickload, hasn't touched it since.

My dad got me into this at quite a young age, I guess he thought fighting Nazis was an important lesson to learn.


Only ever played the shareware bit back in the day, nice to have on Switch. Look good, sound good, move good, shoot good.

Somehow I didn't play this until last year. It's pretty good!

Remarkably unmemorable. Big thing with glowing orb weak spot can eat a dick.