171 Reviews liked by Jov

there is enjoyment to be found in this thing, it is an nice looking compilation of the beloved classics after all. only to find it you will have to endure the ridiculous price, inconsistent physics, underwhelming content, unexplainable frame drops and the horrendously unlistenable massacre of the s3k soundrack. most of this has been fixed by fans, but that just highlights the incompetence of this release even more. the animators and headcannon deserved much better

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Midal Gear fans only hate it because it’s actually good

Look at this SJW soyboy they put on the cover lmao

it's incredible how good this game looks even by today's standards.
then gunplay is atrocious, but i had fun wacking enemies with the wrench and throwing shit at them with plasmids.
the story is good and all, but fontaine's accent is so funny and stupid that i couldn't take him seriously (and it's best if we dont talk about that boss fight...)

overall, im glad i finally finished this classic.

Oddly uneven for a Legend of Zelda game. The desperation to try something, anything new is felt far more keenly in the shield durability, crafting, and quick item access systems than anything related to motion controls. That said, this is absolutely worth playing as a missing link between, say, Wind Waker and Breath of the Wild.

Fi is far less annoying, you can skip stuff on repeat playthroughs that you couldn't before. The option for no motion controls is great. And the game looks really good. But it still has all that padding and a the sky is still bad.

I certainly have my issues with skyward sword, but there is a lot here to love. it has some of the best dungeons in the series, vibes that go ridiculously hard, a stupidly good soundtrack, and groose. this remaster has some great quality of life updates that I think helped a lot.

a well designed indie platformer that's partially responsible for the sea of shitty pixel games we see released every 5 minutes now


Funny that this game is about time travel because I want to go back in time to prevent it from existing

Bro do you seriously expect me to find a guy with a triangle for a head scary? Mascot horror is such a joke

An absolutely stunning remake that renders the original obsolete

It is my life's mission to destroy every copy of Sonic Heroes, or as I prefer to call it: Sonic Losers
I will not fail my mentor, the Game Dude

The ultrahand ability is an apt metaphor for the game: TOTK doesn't actually fix any of the problems with BOTW, it just glues a bunch of new shit on top.

There is an incredible physics system, and they do fuck-all with it. Every non-combat shrine is a physics puzzle for babies. Their lack of trust in the player's ability to reason about a problem is genuinely insulting.

The combat system still sucks. The companion system is a total mess, and every time you get a new party member they tell you the exact same fucking story about the Imprisoning War.

The sky islands are surprisingly sparse, and the depths are just a darker, less interesting version of the main map . The temples are barely an improvement over the divine beasts, and in some ways I actually consider them a step back.

Above all else, the absolute worst thing about this game is the sheer amount of progression and quests locked behind tedious resource farming. Just awful.

Overall, a very flawed follow-up and one I had to force myself to finish. I am a Zelda Hater now