I played this game while on acid and it was the greatest experience imaginable. I later played it while sober and honestly? still pretty damn good!

Really solid VS clone. Lots of fun to play through, Grab it on sale if you're looking for a good time. Also full of cute girls!!

I played this like 10 times and eventually ended up almost dying of gay pining at the north pole. What more can you want from a video game? Awesome game. If you like narrative first experiences and don't mind them being obtuse/punishing (i'm a fallen london player lol) this is one of the great classics.


it makes me sad that Zone Patrol mode is probably never gonna see another huge massive update, because zone patrol mode is one of my favorite fps experiences like. ever. give me more games like this with big open worlds and strange guys all over the place and this tone. awesome. i love looking up secrets online so much.

rest of the game is a solid half life-like

it's a rare game that i actually DON'T recommend to people because it's TOO well designed and TOO addicting.

but my god. this is that game. fucking perfection. play this to understand videogames better

It's pretty good! I really hope the sequel can give me more weird random events, but I had a good time playing through this.

Just a solid board game to play with friends, especially if they're furries.

Disgustingly well designed. The amount of polish on this could make any game look good, much less one of the tightest roguelikes i've ever played.

I think bastion is the reason I care about indie video games, honestly. I could never tell you if it holds up; it's too important to me.

Tbh, I kinda love this little thing. It's just a toy, but it's a really cute toy. If you got an extra buck or two, throw it at this for like 5 minutes at least of "haha lol"

The story of a trans woman and the world's least healthy egg. Good luck to both of them.

After making super meat boy, edmund mcmillian went "dang i wanna make something rough, unpolished, and purposefully offputting that'll piss everyone off and put some edges back into my work after the last game was such a standard success"

instead, he made the most influential roguelike ever. i can and will argue this, for better and worse, TBOI i's maybe the most important indie game of the 21st century.

it's funny, i like this game slightly less then TBOI for what it represents... but this one is the one i have 700 hours in. whoops. indie grind perfected.

This is just a great little 3d platformer game with some fun combat! if you like 3d platformers with fun movement, this is a real solid option. Love the tone.