It really annoyed me how often the game stopped entirely to tell me what was happening on screen, but once I got to just play the game I really really really enjoyed myself

The movement is hard to get used but once you do this game is a blast

The free version of the game on switch has several modes locked behind the ‘core version’, which like, just make the free version a demo to the full version and not make it seem like a free game

Slicing your opponents in half with a boomerang is so satisfying

This game isn’t necessarily well made, but holy shit it’s so fun. Me and my friend play it all the time and usually end up dying of laughter.

My only problem with this game is lack of unique bosses. I don’t like having to fix Bowser Jr. 6 times.
Besides that this is probably one of my favorite Mario games.

Possibly my favorite part of this game is that all the negative reviews just make shit up like “it copied fortnite” and “its only 300 px” bc they genuinely have nothing to complain about

Why is this considered the greatest thing ever made its literally just stacking blocks wtf

Maybe its just nostalgia but damn this game is fun

I haven’t played the original versions of these games so I can’t speak to how good this is as a port, so I am left with how fun these games are and, come on. Three of the greatest 3D platformers ever. These games are all really fun and I don’t see many problems with them

The only thing keeping this game from Five Stars is the fact that the endless mode is multiplayer. That would be so fun and I’m so pissed that it isn’t

This game is so fun and no one I know seems to realize that

“How are you beating all the bosses? You have a terrible strategy!”
“I just keep shovel bouncing off the boss and it keeps working”

This is what all puzzle games should strive to be