
As a Pikmin fan, I expected this game to be good, but I did not expect this game to have as much content as it does. In lot of ways, this felt like Pikmin 2-2, and I absolutely LOVE it for that. This might just surpass Pikmin 2 as my favorite entry in the franchise.

Currently the front runner as my Game of the Year for 2023.


I remember playing the demo of this game waaaaay back in the early days of the Xbox 360, back when the concept of downloading a demo was brand new. I never played it back then...

...WOW, I missed out. This game has some of the most creative level design I've ever seen in a game. Portals a full year before Portal? Upside down and wall-walking platforming sections? Super unique bio-mechanical weapons? This game is an absolute gem and I'm very glad that I gave it a shot.

As someone who generally isn't super into JRPGs, this game is fantastic and should be played at least once by everyone. Quite possibly the best soundtrack to any JRPG out there.

Forget Goldeneye, REAL ones played the multiplayer of this game by always picking the snow level with the gondola and using the remote control tanks and helicopters to blast each other.

A good first step, but I feel like it would have been way cooler if you didn't know that you were in the Animus simulation until the very end of the game.

That would solve the biggest issue that I have with a lot of the earlier games in this franchise, which is Desmond. I don't think you could create a more milquetoast protagonist if you tried.


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An absolutely disgusting experience, in the best possible way. This game is essentially "what if H.R. Giger designed Myst, and included some shooter elements?". If you went into this game expecting an FPS, even after the multiple explicit "warnings" that it wasn't...I don't know what to tell you.

This is obviously a very iconic title, but I just...did not like it that much. The later entries in this original trilogy are better.

A very fun throwback to the classic TMNT arcade games of old, but with more modernized mechanics and an exceptionally good OST, courtesy of Tee Lopes.

Warlock, Sanctuary, Turf, Backwash, and my personal favorite Elongation. Halo 2 truly was the peak of the franchise.

I appreciate that this game has grid based combat instead of rehashing the turn-based combat of the previous game.

Not only does this DLC deliver in terms of difficult yet fulfilling bosses, but the music present here is the best in FromSoftware's catalog.

I thoroughly enjoyed this game. I don't play golf, but for some reason I tend to really enjoy golf video games, and this one combines elements of both golf games and RPGs to create a truly unique experience. The humor is very sharp too, which caught me off guard.

I know a common issue that people have with this game is the large size of the levels, as well as having very lengthy cutscenes that can't be skipped. These are valid complaints that I understand.

That being said, I absolutely LOVED this game. The way that all of the locations connect to each other via shortcuts and what not blew my mind as a kid. I didn't experience a feeling like that until much later in life, when I played the first Dark Souls game.

And yet again, Grant Kirkhope delivers with an insanely catchy soundtrack that will have you bobbing your head to the beat.

Oh MAN! What an exquisite sequel. So much of the story is told through the backgrounds and environments. It's a detail that I've come to truly admire in games. And that OST is absolutely legendary.

Like most people in 2020, I played this game a LOT to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. I managed to sink over 150 hours in to this game, and I largely enjoyed my playtime. That being said, I still think I prefer the original GameCube entry.