Edgy Wii Games, My Beloved

I don't care what those losers say, Epic Mickey is pretty Epic. The art is absolutely gorgeous, the animation is nice and smooth, the camera sucks but so does every other wii game's camera's!

Resident Evil 4 but it looks and feels better and everything is changed and now I'm scared again because I don't know what to expect next :(

I booted up the game for the first time, I finished the first two missions, and just went out. I just stood on the sidewalk for like, an hour before going to do something else. Standing on that sidewalk was genuinely the funniest experience I've had on PS2 since 50 Cent BulletProof

Firstly, the game looks great and the music bangs. Second, the story sucks, it's too short, and it ends on a cliffhanger that'll never resolve. For $4.99, I'd feel like it was worth it but adding on the extra two dollars was pushing it. Before the EShop closes, just get every Ace Attorney Game, they're like.... 2.99 each

Jojo Siwa World Wide Party but not as good.

What Remains of Edith Finch is one if the most immersive and tear-jerking games I have ever played. For just a few hours, I was put into another world. I felt as if what happened in the story was something I had genuinely experienced. It tells one of the most heart-wrenching story that I have witnessed in years. And to that, I say fuck you developers. LET ME GO BACK. I WANT TO GO BACK IN. LET ME FORGET SO I CAN EXPERIENCE IT FOR THE FIRST TIME AGAIN

Going Under is fucking amazing. I love literally everything about it. It's definitely not my favorite game or nothin', but everything has is so much fun. The two things I compare it to most is Dead Rising and Hades, and that sounds fucking awesome

I remember loving the demo, but the actual game is just fine. There's not much to it really.
Edit: I beat the game, and to reward me, the game crashed! :)


Just sayin', Remy would totally kick Stuart's ass. Other than that, the game looks nice... that's about it

The majority of the game is fine but the game's short and the story sucks ass.