I wrote a whole nice CS2 review and it got lost. So. CS2 is an unrealized successor to CS:GO. It’s hard to appreciate what it’s done right when CS:GO was there for seemingly forever. It’s a new start. Give it 2+ years it’ll start to be what it was always meant to be. Playing it as a relatively new player is great. It’s fun to discover and learn and improve at this game some people have effectively been playing for 20+ years.

This game is super good, it’s just awesome. Right. The music, while good, replaying the game, I think oh yeah this track is a banger! But I am not remembering the tracks like, weeks and months after playing the game. The boss fights are fantastic. The art design? Tops a notch. The game suffers a bit being on the switch, the game was being, possibly, developed around a switch + or whatever, a system with boosted specs, but that got shelved. So it can look a bit pixelated, but still. Fantastic. The cutscenes are great, they do a great job characterizing Samus a lot more for this game, she’s very expressive for being stuck in a suit of armor. It’s a true to itself, Metroid game. And it’s fantastic. I think a remaster of sorts on the Switch Successor would do WONDERS. I need more Samus Aran though Nintendo, please show Metroid Prime 4 this June, it’s, nearly, your last chance.

Oh FUCK yeah this game rules I’ll be real. It’s difficult (especialyl on hard mode) but its smooth, it’s like butter. Really nothing plays better. For how tight the platforming is, it feels so fluid. The music is fantastic, boss fights are great. Every level is so deeply creative it is wild. I hope in 7 years time we get another entry in the DKC: Returns trilogy, finish it off strong.

How did they make this game this good.

I’ve dedicated my life to trying to get people to play this game it’s that good. I did not like rhythm games, never thought I could like them. I played UNBEATABLE [white label] and I still don’t like rhythm games, I like UNBEATABLE though.

Popcap will never release a Plants Vs Zombies game as good as this. It is so much fun. Really a shame it’s the peak of the franchise.

Subnautica is the best game I’ve always tried to play but never been able to play because it’s too damn scary. Having watched it be played 10+ times though, it’s confidently one of the best games available and on the market.

This game is so damn good. I’d wait maybe another 20 years for a new Portal game. Playing the singleplayer campaign 8 years ago, and then finally playing the co-op campaign, its wonderful, and it makes you wonder how did I miss out on this for all this time?

This game was perfect, then Spelunky 2 was released, and you go how did I ever deal with this? While Spelunky 2 has much more refined, balanced systems, to where it can feel just, perfect, Spelunky HD keeps a spot in my heart for being charming and a bit short and sweet, but still with the same amount of refined depth of the sequel.

If you don’t like this game you haven’t put enough hours into it. You’ll like it, then think the game is bad, then like it again, kindof hate it, cuss out Derek Yu for a bit, and then you’ll love it. This game has hurt me like no other but 350+ hours into it, it’s like seeing the light. You get it. You understand it. Everything is perfect.

Womp womp this game rules it is EASILY one of the best games ever made. I want to say more but I’m choked up about it thinking about it. It is so unbelievable.