Honestly one of my favorite single player games of all time.

Pretty fun, its cool how much of the map you can use for parkour

got to the last boss and got fucked by her for like 30 minutes so i gave up. Might finish it sometime

Started playing with my brother, now he doesn't want to continue. They changed the feel of the combat from borderlands 2, but overall it's a similar game

2 player splitscreen or online, pretty fun.

One of my favorite game of all time, highly recommend it.

Honestly no idea if I'll finish this game. I got it for free, and it's my first Assassin's Creed game but it's a lot different than what I was expecting so that kind of turned me off.

Doesn't have a campaign, you need friends to play with, but it's 4 player splitscreen or online, and it's a lot of fun for a while. It doesn't have a lot of depth, but it's a fun party game.

got this game to play splitscreen with my siblings and because The Stellar Jay recommended it in his wizard games video, and it's pretty fun so far. We're only about an hour in, but the combat and interactions you can do with all the different spells is amazing.

So much fun with a few friends on a friday night. Would not recommend playing it by yourself though, as the fun really comes from the chaos of playing it with other people.

For a free game with zero microtransactions this game has no right being this good. At first it looks kind of goofy, but the gameplay and pixel art really continued to shock me the more that I played it. They easily could have charged $15 for this game, I highly recommend you try it while it's still free.

Really don't know what to make of this game. I bought it to play with some friends, and it was really confusing. We eventually got going a bit, but we all ended up dying and everyone quit after about an hour or 2. I played by myself for another 2 hours or so and learned a little bit, but I feel like we're missing something about the game, and my friends don't want to pick it up again. Sad really, because I think I would enjoy this game if I learned how to play it properly.

It's online only, and doesn't have a ranked gamemode, but for a casual fps game it's pretty fun. The skill ceiling isn't super high, but with the combination of the high ttk and all the different card combos it can get pretty competetive. As the name implies, it's meant to be played between friends, but its pretty fun with randoms as well.