Oh, CA. Why do you hurt me in these ways? You launched the game broken and then later destroyed the AI functionality. You could have had gold.

Shogun 2 is already a five star game, with Fall of the Samurai, I'd give it six stars it possible. Fantastic gameplay and politics. We finally got a TW game with firearms that actually functions. If we ever get Empire 2, I want it set around this era and to play just like this. Give me the American Civil War, CA!

One of the most stylish games ever made. For better or for worse, No More Heroes shaped my personality and flare for the absurd.

The soundtrack for this game fucks. Wish it was more widely available. Sadly not much else has held up from it. It's by no means a bad game, but in comparison to the first, it doesn't hold a candle.

Holy hell, this is how you do a sequel. Better stealth mechanics, VASTLY better story, great characters, and poisonous Zanzibar Hamsters. This baby has everything. And I don't think I even need to go over the soundtrack. The fact that most of the songs here get relegated to tracks used for VR missions in future entries is criminal. At least Smash understood how peak "Theme of Solid Snake" is.

This may well be the best thing Kojima ever directed and that's coming from a hardcore MGS2 enjoyer. The atmosphere is superb. I'll die on the hill that this game's visuals have held up perfectly. When you think of the PlayStation, you think of Metal Gear Solid.

Controversially, this one may be my least favorite out of the first three games. That by no means is to say it's a bad game. It's incredible despite some camera issues with the initial release. Only major gripe is that I think the Cobra unit isn't great with the exception of a few standout members. Still leagues above Deadcells lame asses, but nowhere near as great as Foxhound.

This is what happens when you force artists to make something they clearly never wanted to.

A severely underrated if flawed game, but a fun pick up and go one nonetheless. I'll always argue that Big Boss's story didn't need to be told anymore past 3, but this would have been a solid place to end it as well. Snake casting away his old identity and fully embracing the name of "Big Boss" is a chilling conclusion that needed nothing more afterwards. "This is Outer Heaven." Chills.

The Phantom Pain peaked right here.

No, Kojima Fans, this game being a repetitive and unfinished mess isn't apart of some genius design philosophy. You don't even fucking build Outer Heaven in this game. Y'know, the be all end all of Big Boss' ideals and worldview? Waste of time. At least the gameplay and soundtrack slaps.

I can't explain the level of comfort this game gives me. Wonderful visuals, awesome soundtrack, and the fucking King of Cosmos. Almost drowns out the screams of the people and animals I've rolled up in a ball to yeet into space.

Son of a bitch, they did it again.

Not gonna sugarcoat it, I don't like this game much at all. Capcom are masters of their craft, but they often struggle to find their footing with the first games in some of their series. Think Mega Man, Street Fighter, etc. This game has it's place in history, I'll grant it that, but play REmake to fully appreciate what this game wanted to go for. I rarely believe that a remake should replace its original, but Resident Evil is one of those cases.