28 Reviews liked by Kassabov

It's so autistic that I resonate with it quite well
Hands down the best in-game map ever

A gorgeous facelift of a game that needed a whole lot more. This is the kind of remake where the modern visuals work against the whole - the bad combat feels even worse because the game looks like it should know better.

There's also a funny relic of a bygone era in the checkpoint system: no heals. You don't get full health after dying, or even between stages; you keep whatever health you had when you reached the last checkpoint. Fair play, it's old school to a fault, I can respect that. However -

If you find yourself stuck with low health at the beginning of a stage, it's trivial to backtrack to a previous level to replenish health, but it also sucks shit. This is the kind of change remakes should enact to "bring it up to modern sensibilities" without "losing its essence" - nothing's lost by cutting pure tedium.


I was bored by the first one but finished it. It was pleasant in short sessions and it was fresh. I was bored by this one and didn't.

Look, if you had one shot or one opportunity

To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment

Would you capture it or just let it slip?

With this current beef between Drake and Kendrick, PaRappa is the only one who can step in and demolish both of them without even trying

kick punch it's all in the mind,words to live by

We still play it with my friends in a local bar on LAN. It's fun

For a first time I experience an audio this good in a video game. I've done my share of playing and this was a blast. Got bamboozled so many times by different audio cues. A thunder shatters in game and I turn my head naturally to the window, those voices in the back I look at the door to see who of my family is speaking to me. It's a wow and a must to play. Also you get to play in a Nordic setting which is almost always nice.

It's like a book, banks on your feelings.





I sense what it wants from me and I think I'm too tired of games like this so I'm not ready to give it.