Best 3D Mario game and one of my all time favorites. I cannot imagine a new Mario game without Cappy.

First time playing all three games and enjoyed them a lot (although I SUCKED at 64). They could have put more effort into porting these games (remakes? hello??) and the decision not to include SMG2 was just stupid.
I hated playing 64 (I suck), Mario Sunshine was sometimes a pain in the butt but quickly became one of my favorite 3D Marios and Galaxy was too easy but beautiful and fun anyway.
The limitation (only selling the game for a set period of time) was also a dumb decision but hey, it's Nintendo.

I found this game to be immensly frustrating at times and repetitive. Still, it's a great game and in a lot of ways better than SMG1 (I still like 1 better). It's a shame that the game hasn't been ported for the Switch yet.

It has its problems and can be frustrating but OH BOY, getting that damn shine after all feels so rewarding. I love the whole concept of the game. The worlds are connected and have the same overall theme but are still so different from each other. Fludd is great addition as well. Also I actually liked the voice acting and some lines are just iconic. ("Come on in, Mama Peach!" - "Uhh.. I think not.")

Best gameplay, best stages, DLC, best OST, great difficulty, great story. Octo Expansion is the best Splatoon experience you can get.

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It's hard to rate this game because technically... it's a disaster. Embarrassing. Especially since it's the biggest franchise in the world and there's no excuse for the ugliness and glitchfest this game is. But oh boy, do I love everything else about this game.
The new Pokemon are awesome, the characters are so likeable (and hot, I mean look at Rika and Grusha), the story is good and the finale still has me shook. Honestly, I still think about those last 2 hours of the story to this day (okay, it's been like 3 months now but STILL!). The OST is also a banger, yet again. Shiny hunting is easier than ever but it's so much fun. I haven't had this much fun with a Pokemon game since XY. So I'm giving this a 4/5 because I just really like this game. Hoping for a good DLC!

For the love of god, just give this game a DLC! As long as NDCube just keeps remaking old stuff from Hudson, this game is gonna be enjoyable.

I'd say this is the best Winx Club game out there. The story's losely based on the first season and even uses some scenes from the tv show. It also has some neat artwork exclusive to this game and I feel like the people behind this actually put effort into this game. It also has full voice acting in various languages, which is a big plus imo. The graphics are pretty meh but it's fun to explore Alfea and the other schools. As a kid, I really enjoyed this game and played it again some years ago as an adult. Still a fun experience! Definitely doesn't deserve the current 2,3 stars rating.

This is one of those games... let's just say, it's a huge downgrade from Xtreme 2. The game is very repetitive and gets boring pretty fast. You mainly just want to get your favorite girl to wear the most risky bikinis and it takes so much time just to get them to wear one (1) bikini... oof. Much grinding is also needed for the time limited swim suits which is not much fun.
You really gotta like the characters or have no other games to play to enjoy this game. I got my 100+ hours of fun but that's it really. Honoka is best girl btw.

This game has Jaden/Yubel so it's a masterpiece. Jokes aside, I've spent no money at all on this game and still had a fun time for some months. I generally don't really play mobile games but I liked this one and the way they include the whole YGO! anime universe.
Also I wasn't joking, when I saw that a Jaden/Yubel event was live, I re-installed the game and cried tears of joy. Good times.

Short but addictive fun, Glados and the turrets are hilarious.

Peak game. I love Glados so damn much.

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I'm kinda conflicted on this one. I enjoyed playing it and the new characters quickly grew on me. But you can really feel that this games story has just truly begun when the game technically already ends. If I didn't know that the second GAA game is supposedly really good, I think I'd give this game 3 stars. But I can't bring myself to rate it lower because I'm pretty sure I'll appreciate this game more when I have experienced the whole story of GAA.
Anyway, the graphics are pretty good (as this is essentially a 3DS game) and the best they've ever been in an AA game. The characters are beautifully animated and very lively. The soundtrack is pretty good, though I hope for more catchy tunes in GAA 2. Sucks Capcom gave this game only an English translation but I'm still glad these games finally made it to the west.