I owned this for this for five years and only just finished it

Every Yakuza game is like ten hours too long and the last quarter is mostly cutscenes of people recounting everything that has already happened over and over and over again.

Also, there's no karaoke in this one.

After mulling over my star rating, i decided you have to grade this as more of an art installation than a video game

Certainly in contention for my favorite video game ever

It's the worst Dark Souls game; I still love it.

This is my first experience with the DLC, which is by far the most quality content of the entire game and makes the standard playthrough go out on a high note, after experiencing many lows.

This is my least favorite game in the modern Fromverse but they are all five star games and you can only compare them against each-other.

Fromsoft is one of the best things life has to offer tbh.

Quite possibly the best narrative in video games

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When a late-game dungeon had Kirby appear as a hostile enemy, my jaw hit the fucking floor

It's an endless tap of inspired, classic mario levels if you look for them.

I feel like it has to get five stars by default.

My personal favorite game in the 2010's "rougelite" boom

Really was a specific moment in time where a rhythm game lover like myself THRIVED

Still remember playing endless setlist all the way through on expert with three friends.

I loved it; had me completely enraptured from start to finish.

The only game in the entire Kingdom Hearts franchise where you might think Haley Joel Osment is a passable voice actor

It's just hard not to feel like Metroid has been outdone by the indie games it inspired in the last decade.

The chunky music doesn't do it for me, Samus's handling feels occasionally stiff, the bosses are all spammy or tedious, and level design often can be a bit obtuse.

But, the charm of the metroid world is still there, and I still had a good time hanging out in it for five hours.

I would play the shit out of any classic JRPG remade exactly like this.

Hire a better writing team, expand combat mechanics slightly, offer more open environments, and you're a couple iterations away from making my ideal video game.

More rhythm RPGs!!!