Not having played the originals, this game was a really good intro duction to the series. it was a fun, collecathon platformer that really makes it feel like this type of game can easily be great in this generation.

the peak of stealth games, you have two options at the beginning. to play as corvo, or emily and they both vary in game play/both can choose not to use powers. i highly recommend playing through #1, the DLC, and #2. you will not be disappointed if you're a fan of stealth and sword swinging.

the peak of diablo, maybe i'll try and see if d4 can surpass it later in its time. but nothing has itched that feeling then the gratification of Grifts did and the endless loop of the game.

as i have not finished it yet, i still feel like this game captures the feeling of the original games. theres so many quality of life updates and it brings all the features from wonderful life, another wonderful life, and the special edition into one.

as i've played it before and beaten it. im going to go back and play it again to give a more accurate review.

Gen 8 has easily became my favorite generation. i love Galar, its quirky, the wild area is the best adaptation of "open world" pokemon we've gotten. and easily the cutest starters.

i have an addiction to rogue lite card games apparently.

while fun, the open outside area with the robots was not for me. the buildings were absolutely great though.

The best walking simulator you'll ever play, it'll make you cry, laugh and smile.

The memories i have of this game, putting hours and hours into the online multiplayer with my best friend in highschool.

My favorite zelda game of all time, from the opening sequence of herding cattle, to meeting midna/turning into a wolf to all the way to the snow temple. this game had me gripped and still does ever since i picked it up.

This game was an amazing feelings, played through twice so far. While not perfect, the game play is what really drove me home.

just like galaxy, having this on the switch is such an amazing feeling. brings back my child hood even if for a second.

i dont know man...i wanted to like the game just something didnt click.

Me and my husband had a blast playing through this game, it was one of the best "choices matter" games we've played. it pulls at the heart strings, and really makes you think when you're in those split second situations.