This game is easily a game of the decade. While not perfect, The parts that aren't just make the game better and fun. All of the companions are good, even if you hate them they are a fantastic side character.

The hardest parts of this game are the first 5 levels, then the game really starts opening up with what you can do with the D&D aspect of it and multi-classing. Honor mode is such a fun addition to the game that it just adds more playability to this great game.

To this day, this is my favorite setting for any resident evil game. the pacing of it is great, the feel of everything, and gruesomeness.

Tbh, i can say nothing more then just jump into this game. its not remotely what it looks like and its a blast from the start to finish.

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one of my favorite games of all time, i love card games and it just reinvents that with talking cards, puzzles, and horror all in one. with each act being something different, it gives you a well thought out story ( while confusing at times with the real world stuff )
It really finishes up well with the ending, and the mod you get after beating it to repeat act 1 as a rogue lite.

one of the most fun borderlands games when it comes to shooting and looting. while story may not be your favorite, this game will satisfy every bit of what you want out of a borderlands game when it comes to the action pact shooting this game offers.

a beautiful gut wrenching story. i wont spoil anything for you, just please play this game.

My favorite zelda game of all time, from the opening sequence of herding cattle, to meeting midna/turning into a wolf to all the way to the snow temple. this game had me gripped and still does ever since i picked it up.

While not perfect, this is a super fun repetitive monster killer that every run can be completely different and random with the artifacts you can unlock/including just how different each character is.


in the process of playing it but, this is easily one of the best combat games i've played since the Akrham games.

Somehow miles was able to have a better game in a shorter time frame.

Easily one of the best JRPG games to release. it blows the base game out of the water ( if you're looking for difficulty, the OG hardest difficulty is harder )

while fun, the open outside area with the robots was not for me. the buildings were absolutely great though.

Hot take: i prefer this over the first, playing as a big daddy and having a new threat with the big sister is such an amazing feeling

Rather its for nostalgia or not, this game is such a fun run. Andrew ryan is one of my favorite villians of all time.

tbh, this is a extreme let down. i didnt realize how much i enjoyed everything before the castle. The castle just ruins the game for me entirely.