i'll never forget my first reaction to the opening of this game, it sinked its hooks in right then and there.

kind of the same as Re4 for me, i wish it stayed a certain way but i actually finished this one. it was easily a 4 star up until a certain point.

Somehow miles was able to have a better game in a shorter time frame.

while not a bad game, its just not the best or even close to one of the best pokemon games.

i'd give this game more if it'd let me, having access to this both on the wii and the switch is more then i could ever ask for. now only if they gave us the second.

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"JoEl DiEd" this game is a masterpiece about how getting revenge isnt always the best situation. Even if abbie was justified in killing joel, maybe even if Ellie is justified killing her, it gains them nothing doing either.

The game play is super fun, its high pact action/with the option of stealth. The voice acting, and sadness hit just as hard as the original did.

While not as good as batman for me, spiderman will always be peak marvel.


Took what i loved about mario and amplified it. I'll have to go and replay it this year and see if my mood changes. But the different levels/moons/etc just reminds me of playing super mario 64 as a kid and thats an amazing feat only nintendo can really do.

Easily one of the best JRPG games to release. it blows the base game out of the water ( if you're looking for difficulty, the OG hardest difficulty is harder )

a amazing story of two siblings surviving the black plague, it matches amazing horror/thriller aspects and does it justice through the entire game.

this almost comes close to the first 2, while i still love the games. The thing really saving this is the action.

Hot take: i prefer this over the first, playing as a big daddy and having a new threat with the big sister is such an amazing feeling

Rather its for nostalgia or not, this game is such a fun run. Andrew ryan is one of my favorite villians of all time.

tbh, this is a extreme let down. i didnt realize how much i enjoyed everything before the castle. The castle just ruins the game for me entirely.