Mario Kart but just worse and full of microtransactions and live service junk mechanics

more of an interactive movie than a game, Asura is a sometimes poignant sometimes ridiculously yet always over the top experience about a man who puts the average shonen protagonist to shame, only wish this game was on a more accessible platform and not held back by lower hardware

My favorite Spider man game prior to the Insomniac series, Shattered Dimensions is a celebration of spiderman just like spider-verse, and while certain aspects of it feels dated such as repetitive level and boss design, the different atmospheres and worlds feel diverse with their own pace and gameplay style, with Noir feeling the most unique to the other 3, add that up with a large sprinkle of spiderman's best villains and costumes, along with a celebrated cast of friendly neighborhood voice actors, Shattered Dimensions is still an underappreciated gem that wish wasnt lost to time after the activision license expiration

the original looter shooter, BL1 is still a great FPS RPG with balanced class, great weapon variety, and personality. However it takes itself more seriously than any other entry, being more mad max than fallout, and the mechanics havent been exactly perfected in this first entry

arguably the best star wars fps, RC is a great tactical shooter with a fair amount of challenge that has aged surprisingly well. story itself is shallow but the characters feel alive and useful as a squad

just like blue shift, this is just more of the same half life 1 experience with slightly different weapons and from the perspectives of a different side character's story. but the idea of squad control makes this one at least a little more unique than blue shift

As someone was inspired to get into a career in game development cuz of Kojima, I have an interesting view of Death Stranding. my bias aside, I know that this game has very little appeal to the general audience and is fundamentally flawed/unfun in a lot of ways. and yet I can't help but still enjoy the shit out of this game and treat it as a relaxing game for me to immerse in and get swept up in the atmosphere. I can't say whether you will enjoy or hate the niche appeal of it, but its enough for me.

the ignored half child of the arkham series, Origins was a spin off prequel that was unfairly marketed as a proper sequel to arkham city. This led many fans, including myself, to be fairly underwhelmed by Origins upon release. and while i still think this entry is the runt of the 4 main arkham games, I appreciate it now more than I did at launch, and hope others can do the same in future

the game that defined Platinum's status as the King and Queen of over the top Hack and Slash games, Bayo 1 is a great action game that is oozing with personality, although I didnt always love the storytelling, also the OST has no reason to go this hard

One of the more engaging battle royales from a quality studio, although I dislike how it has taken attention away from titanfall

one of the greatest games of all time that reinvented the Survival Horror genre. Brilliant design, polish, and immense replayability

surprisingly good given the restrictions of portable platform. provides an overall experience similar to the main AC3 albeit with less depth in story and mechanics

A much needed remake of a classic start to a franchise, Mafia manages to feel modern in its gameplay while not differing from the overall themes of the series like Mafia 3 did. the Story is arguably the strongest out of the franchise, being much more Godfather compared to Mafia 2's Goodfellas vibe. the third person shooting isnt revolutionary and the driving is sometimes a little too realistic for comfort but overall this has quickly overtaken Mafia 2 as my favorite in the franchise and a solid recommendation to anyone with PS Now or just a fan of Mafia film and games

one of the best executed/best value HD Collections out there. each of these remasters are the definitive best versions of each legendary title, the only fault of this collection is that it's not available on modern consoles or store fronts

Arriving after nearly half a decade in development after City and the release of the mixed received Origin spin off, Knight had big shoes to fill. Thankfully, Arkham Knight is largely a more mechanically polished and improved version of the arkham city formula, but is held back by less interesting and tedious side activities, along with the unnecessary and often forced use of the batmobile. still, this is arguably just as good as the rest of the rocksteady arkham trilogy