One of the best looking shooters ever, shame it's pretty mediocre outside of that

Played this with cheats 3 times as a kid

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I didn't wake up bros...

A FPS game with one of the best arsenals in any game, there's some redundancies but overall you don't really feel it

Could do without all the scripted sections but all the moments of gameplay around them are awesome. It's not RE4 but if you're a fan of it this is a must

I'd need to replay this to get a proper opinion but this game is fucking insane in scope and content. The devs really liked Baldur's Gate 2 but this game got 4 times the amount of content of that. Writing is also far more compelling than the previous entry. Biggest negative is probably the army management but it's still better than what was in Kingmaker.

Very pretty piece of fanservice, it's not very good though.

Just rewatch the movie

No one told Warhammer 40000 as a sidescroller would've been so much fun

Haven't won the game as of yet but this is best non-official videogame adaptation of Judge Dredd.

Maybe a little repetitive but I can't not recommend it as a fan of Judge Dredd.

Started really fun then the latter half comes in and the game becomes a chore, if I were good at videogames and a lab god I would probably love this game

Serious Sam 4 was the best, this is even better

Despite me not giving a single fuck about pinball to the point of abandoning this game I think you should give this game a chance. It's too creative and cute not too


Pretty big oddity in genre, being an FPS from this era with a huge focus on exploration, platforming and a live system is enough already to make the standout and then it's about native american fighting aliens, dinousars and cyborgs. Kinda fails at what it sets out to do pretty badly but it's still has strong points that might make the game a decent time for those willing to put up with it's shortcomings.

I've more negative to say but let's start with the positives. Moving and jumping feels really good, the way you sway and the gun bobs while moving so fast feels appropriate but maybe offputting for some people. This is based off a comic book and if you didn't know this alreay it will make sense once you see the weapons in this game. Guns in the this game are awesome, even some of them becoming obsolete pretty fast and the game having to account you might not have the best tool for the scenario they are still useful and more than that designed to be the coolest and loudest thing. You got an autoshotgun, a minigun, alien gun that sends enemy into orbit and quad rocket launcher among them. Soundtrack is a banger, only listened to the N64 version (There's differnet OSTs for the N64 and PC version, both are available and tooglable in this remaster) so I can't say how the pc version fairs but go listen to that stuff now.

Unto the negatives. Level design is really bad. Gigantic levels whose goal is to get keys to unlock other levels in the main hub and pieces of a special weapon to defeat the final boss. The goal is to get a better sense of exploration which is also why the levels have been made so big, issue is that the levels are gigantic and linear anyway with the keys being placed along the path or in a short sidepath you can miss and the pieces of the special weapon frequently beign hidden in secrets, you can reload a save and basic exploration got me most of even collectables hidden in secrets but in the worse case scenario you need to replay a whole level and idea alone rightfully will turn people off. No real point to platforming or the live system, which isn't as bad as it sounds but accidentally falling into a death pit will make you lose some time and deaths are not particularly punishing either, your health resets and most importantly you loose the ammo upgrade if you got it, I think I've only died once because of enemies and the rest were misjudged jumps but I never got a gameover. Kinda weird that game starts spicing up it's enemy roster significantly only in the last 2 levels, not like opposition is much threatening despite it mostly being hitscanners since their attack rate is pretty low and so is their effective range even their damage on normal isn't high ignoring how generous overheals and armor pickups are, they are fun to fight still even solely for some of death animations.

As for the visuals the game is a mixed bag. Models look ok with today's standars but they're really well animated and accompaniend by great sound design and generally fun enemy designs. Levels are some of the ugliest looking levels in a shooter I've seen, they are so big it would've probably been prohibitive to decorate them throughly but man they're bare and ugly, I think on average each level has like 2-5 textures repeated for the enviroments, Duke 3D came out the year prior.

I suggest trying out this game looking for just a decent time out of a it and figure if you can put up with levels design, turn back on the fog since the game relies on it.

Toby Fox played Moon Remix RPG one day and told himself I'd make a game like it but just ok with good music. And he did