The game is really good and I appreciate it even more after SMT4 but it's nowhere near as hard as people made it out to be. If you play JRPGs and find this game hard what the hell are you doing?


One day people will realize this game is good because of how bullshit it is. Dynamite and the way you use it also great and more games should have something similar

I got filtered awfully trying to get the other endings and I don't think the game is really for me but I'm really glad this exists regardless, though valuing this game solely for the artstyle and themes is missing the point

Practically an adventure game with all the shitty quirks of the genre,like getting locked out of progress if you forget certain interactions but like many games in the genre very worth it still.
Seeing Kojima pull is usual stuff he's know for now with MGS way back when is amazing. The amount of interactions and times the game reacts to what you do is still astounding to this day.

Playing this and finding out years of people saying it sucked and it ruined FPS games forever were utter bullshit. Shame no one learned the right lesson here.

Don't hurt your eyes with the remade graphics

Youtubers tell it's better than Doom 2 so it must be true

Cute little artsy adventure game

Uneeded remake that fortunately it's actually a pretty neat game.
It can't compete with the original and it knows it but takes a lot of things expands, remixes and improves on them that even with the weaker gameplay loop still is pretty rad and fundamentally more RE4. I can't commend enough the work they did on playing with your expectations of the original, sometimes it feels even meta imo. My biggest issue is with the performances of the characters, they made plenty of memorable characters into very forgetable ones.

After wasting time trying to get into the previous Mana titles I jumped unto this and I had a blast. 6 different really cool characters and your protagonists and companion choices influence the story. Each character has a beginner class which they can change into 2 other classes later in the game, twice. The game isn't really an action RPG since the only action element is moving in and out of enemy melee range, spells and special attacks can't be dodged but despite that the game is still immensely enjoyable. The biggest thing if favor of this game is how fast progression is for the genre, you're always moving forward and seeing, doing new things. Needless to say it looks and sounds great. Major criticism is that the story isn't overall that engaging, main party is a highlight for sure and depending on how much you like those characters you might not be bothered by it, still the story has a lot of strength and presence for 2/3 of the game but the last third up to the final section of the game it feels like it's barely there. Minor complaints, spells animations can't be skipped and you'll get tired of seeing them but you sped them up in an emulator and the grind for the 3rd class change is boring but you can also sorta cheat it in a emulator I suppose. Play this game it's awsome

Another coinfeed run but this game was too caothic for my tastes. Pretty damn awesome still

It's not very good.

It's a classic RE clone solely focused on puzzles that has puzzles on the level of those games, so get X Item to Y Place only and the items aren't displayed in the enviroment and youneed to interact with them to know if anything is there, so have fun there.

Guess it's a little amusing.

(Played through the Japanese PS1 collection)

One of the first RPGs ever and influential in ways you need to play to fully understand, the NES/Famicom port of this game is probably the biggest influence on the japanese side of the genre at the time and it's influence can still be felt even in games made much later who developed further away from those roots, sadly as game it's one of those cases where you can tell it's one of the firsts in the genre still trying to figure how to be.

The game itself ain't as brutal as it was made out to be, as someone used to the convetions of older RPGs at least, but every encounter of even level with the enemy could mean a potential reload depending on how things go, particulalry on later in the game, still regardless of that the game is rather dull since the dungeon floors as big as they are don't have much a reason to explore them, you won't find loot outside combat encounters and even then you won't find much worthwhile outside the late game, making most the floors pointless to explore outside needing exp and grinding, this is also a game where you might want to reload after a level up because your stats got worse. I managed to beat the final boss solely because he didn't use his party nuke spell on one attempt which otherwise would've meant need to grind for a few more hours to beat him.

As fascinating in it's influece as is I didn't find it particularly enjoyable

It still brings a smile to my face thinking about it having played it so many years ago