It takes a goddamn while for anything to actually happen but that's my only complaint, it's a short read so whatever

The music is fantastic, I love the postnuclear setting, and I cried like a damn baby. Definitely the hardest I ever cried playing a game. 4/5 ez

I'm at the beginning of act 2 and so far I like some of yuri's interactions and stuff I guess

the combat is god damn so slow and it's supposed to get better but believe it or not games should be fun almost all of the time playing since that's the whole point of them and I don't like them withholding mechanics for the sake of forced snowballing. the story has been slow and forgettable too

how tf was this developed in 12 months and is better than like every other game

the humanoid fights had me coming fr fr

PEAK PEAK PEAK PEAK PEAK favorite game of all time

Pretty aight 1 is probably better than 2 but both r backtrackatons with some dumb bosses where you just face tank or spam fireballs

definitely the worst jrpg i ever finished but im not a masochist enough to finish games I don't find some enjoyment in. combat is good but story is genuinely AWFUL and is highly focused on in this game, hallway dungeons and boring sidequest padding necessary to get money.

doesnt hit like the first game tbh

oh dont mind me im just setting my alarm for tomorrow morning when my time gauge is finally done loading

half the cast is cardboard, the killer is too obvious, and bosses take too long and are too easy. but the rest of the cast is nice and I like megaten fusion so I was able to finish and enjoy it enough.

could NOT get past the first mission I was too bored of the nothingburger I had just experienced

this slog's dungeons are fucking empty corridors where the enemies have restraining orders against each other. cool combat and characters tho

Feels like closer to being a nothingburger than the other 2 naphishtim engine games with only a few dungeons and not a lot happening but I found it fun. lived in setting, elemental sword system, some fun exploration, and the dungeons like to mix combat and environment together better than a lot of games I played, ie. the ledges in the cave you can plunge attack from, or the Burroughs the bomb throwing enemies tuck themselves into.

Good introduction to the series. Fun Saturday morning cartoon, villain of the week vibe to it. Chapter 2 and 3 had some really compelling conflicts. The sheer amount of missables in this game is annoying which is why I can’t score it higher but the combat is great. I wasn’t glued to my seat but that’s a good thing as they obviously wanted to keep the higher stakes mysterious. Can’t wait to play sc.