how tf was this developed in 12 months and is better than like every other game

PEAK PEAK PEAK PEAK PEAK favorite game of all time

It kinda continues some of the episodic feeling of fc but some of said episodes are worse like, the hologram projector episode in ch1 (ooh a picture how scary) ch2’s earthquakes and so on and it can at times feel like it has aimless / boring shit and the heroes can sometimes be written to either let villains escape or be overredeeming to them, as well as there being backtracking in the final chapter as well as story cutscenes exclusive to having certain people in the party involving even more backtracking. But that is most of my gripes with it, as the rest of what transpires is great and further realizes its characters like Agate, Joshua, and I think Weissmann is one of my favorite villains in this genre. Very fun turn based combat, Ishibashi’s work here is great, and the gameplay is better than in fc where dungeons and items aren’t as good and the economy is more stingy. Might overall like this more than fc.

Being able to fuse and save whenever you want as well as certain other mechanics make the gameplay feel super patronizing, cheap, and easy to break. The plot, the music, the world-building, and everything else are all great, but I think gameplay is a kinda a barrier to those in this case. This is a world full of Demons, Yakuza, Cultism, Terrorism, and all sorts of chaos, yet thanks to the gameplay, I always felt completely safe. It clashes.

The first and hands down BEST ys I played. Everything from the combat, music, bosses, level design, exploration, thrilling and varied locations, it all just culminates here.

this slog's dungeons are fucking empty corridors where the enemies have restraining orders against each other. cool combat and characters tho

Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?

I'm at the beginning of act 2 and so far I like some of yuri's interactions and stuff I guess

the combat is god damn so slow and it's supposed to get better but believe it or not games should be fun almost all of the time playing since that's the whole point of them and I don't like them withholding mechanics for the sake of forced snowballing. the story has been slow and forgettable too

could NOT get past the first mission I was too bored of the nothingburger I had just experienced

Haven’t even played but having to own arise (which i gave a 2/5)already to play it makes it shit.

Good introduction to the series. Fun Saturday morning cartoon, villain of the week vibe to it. Chapter 2 and 3 had some really compelling conflicts. The sheer amount of missables in this game is annoying which is why I can’t score it higher but the combat is great. I wasn’t glued to my seat but that’s a good thing as they obviously wanted to keep the higher stakes mysterious. Can’t wait to play sc.

half the cast is cardboard, the killer is too obvious, and bosses take too long and are too easy. but the rest of the cast is nice and I like megaten fusion so I was able to finish and enjoy it enough.

Combat was fun as fuck but it got repetitive and bumping into invisible walls during bosses while trying to dodge was annoying

The story has awful plot holes, but in its defense, it was also so boring to the point where I couldn't bother to pay enough attention to notice them while playing. Also funny how the one touted for having a good cast of characters caps supports per character. It has the issue of a boring first 1/3 of the game being Lyn's boring filler arc with as boring as shit kindergarten class levels, and late game would have shit levels too what with the boring rout levels, one of which has WEATHER, and spammy trash mob levels that dial the enemy phase up to fucking eleven as well as fog of war levels that hide bolting mages and flyers that can engage your units beyond torch/thief range so just where the fuck is the counterplay. The other levels were fine, and I thought the game was decent because I like fire emblem gameplay in general.

the humanoid fights had me coming fr fr