425 Reviews liked by LJ_90

Got a big soft spot for this title. I never was able to play the mainline console spidey games. So this was really the first time I ever got to web swing around. I spent so many hours on this, especially at school when I could get away with it...

There isn't anything super impressive or crazy going on here. All the controls are simple and easy to use: the combat is super button mashy. The story is about as bad as the console game.

This is an example of a title whose real appeal was the portability and being on a smart device. If this was on like a 360 it would be overlooked and forgotten. But because it's on the App Store and there really wasn't much around 2012 to play handheld (aside from the literal handheld devices...) this game was pretty good.

Some trivia about me if you happen to be scrolling through my account: I am a sucker for full motion/live action video games. There is something about them I am permanently charmed by. Even if the game sucks, I will play it all the way through and enjoy it. I can't even really tell you what I love about them, they just click for me.

This game was very simple and streamlined but I enjoyed it regardless. The acting was so so but it holds your attention. And there is some merit to replaying the game and exploring other routes. It's really slow paced though and annoying to skim through sections.

In terms of FMV games, it was just ok. But I am biased towards them so I enjoyed it

I generally kind of enjoy these FMV games like Erica or The Bunker.

But this one was too weird and too dumb. Not sure it made any sense. Maybe it was a language barrier thing.

I hope whoever designed Lightning Lookout was permanently fired from Rare and lost their house.

Deep Rock Galactic is like a litmus test for people's taste in games. You really get to see what people think "variety" is when they don't play for more than 20 hours and never touch a haz 5 game. This game has tons of variety in playstyles, builds, locations alongside great balance (minus the bots) and is one of the rare examples I can find where randomisation improves the experience.

After P-2, it's becoming harder and harder for me to not have this game as my all time favourite.

Y O U C A N 'T E S C A P E

I honestly had a lot of fun with this game. It's quite slow but the levels keep things very fresh and iterate upon mechanics consistently. Only real problems are that the controls get in the way near the end, the artstyle is meh and the levels don't always hit. Not a traditional platformer by any means, but solid.

Honestly pretty amazed at how good this is, I would argue that this is probably the best piece of official Quake content out there.

It manages to differentiate itself from Quake 2 by having a completely different mission structure, as well as higher difficulty, more weapons and even, occasionally, having more atmosphere.

Ruined Earth is probably my all time favourite Quake level and maybe even favourite level from an id Software shooter. It manages to convey a real sense of place and feels so lonely a lot of the time, combined with an awesome use of music and enemies.

This is on top of the many changes brought to Quake 2 through the Nightdive Studios re-release, remaster, port, whatever you want to call it, where they've added brand new enemy AI, new enemies and even new weapons.

If this was the Quake 2 we had back in 1997, I would think that there would be a much greater argument for Quake 2 being the best Quake. Please give this a shot.

You know, this one's really good. It improves everything I disliked from Episode 1, and you know what? There were times when it was better than 3 and Knuckles. Wow!

Just kidding, this only improves on Episode 1 by merely being competently made. It's dull and weirdly bloated despite the number of zones.

The ending of the game is a mixed bag: it's a miserable way to end a showy climax, but at least there was no more 4 after this.

Would've been an 8 were it not for Tartarus. There's also some pacing issues in the story which are commonplace with these sorts of games, there are many scenes which reiterate the game for example, but I like to think these are eased somewhat by the game's character writing and the exploration of its themes.

I don't care what anyone says, this game fucks

No soy fan de como estructuralmente este juego es imposible de completar a un 100% o de como no permite regresar a zonas pasadas pero la presentación lo compensa para que valga la pena jugarlo una vez (Maldito concept art porque tenias que estar tan hermoso)

Not my OCD trying to fill in every single cube on the map every time i enter a new room. Aside from that 10/10 tbh

with the way people talk about this game online i always thought it was going to be hard or something, turn out people just like to exaggerate