Games That Negate The Meaning And Value of Famitsu's Existence

Also known as atmospheric games/雰囲気ゲー/fu-n-i-ki-ge-. Japanese pejorative name, Ge-mu/ゲー無.(Game is nothing) I have chosen them at my own discretion and prejudice.

Cross-review of Famitsu, which gave a scathing review of Real Sound: Kaze no Regret.(7/6/6/6, 25 points) In response, Eno Kenji is said to have said, "If you rate this game, you should either give it a perfect score of 10 or 0/unratable". When I read this anecdote, I thought "there are games that are not on the criteria of the common sense scoring system" and decided to compile my own list. In other words, a list of video games that do not exist on the Famitsu value scale. It can be said that the game does not compete on the basis of common sense mechanics in video games, but only on the creators' sense of style.

Real Sound: Kaze no Regret
Real Sound: Kaze no Regret
D: The Game
D: The Game
Kowloon's Gate
Kowloon's Gate
Cosmology of Kyoto
Cosmology of Kyoto
LSD: Dream Emulator
LSD: Dream Emulator
Kenran Butou Sai: The Mars Daybreak
Kenran Butou Sai: The Mars Daybreak
Death Stranding
Death Stranding
The friends of Ringo Ishikawa
The friends of Ringo Ishikawa
Kentucky Route Zero
Kentucky Route Zero
Type Dreams
Type Dreams


1 year ago

Inverse example of this - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle got 40/40 on the Famitsu scale and plays like fucking dogshit

1 year ago

I spewed tea.
Incidentally, I have been suffering from insomnia ever since I saw these two lists.

1 year ago

Dunno how much japanese people know this, but there was a time (around mid 1990's to late 2000's, the peak of videogame magazines) that Famitsu was considered in the west THE gaming magazine. Nobody actually read it, since nobody understood japanese, but everyone was always on the lookout for the scores.

Each time a game received a 40/40 (which by that time only happened to Ocarina, Vagrant Story, Wind Waker and 1 other game, if I remember correctly) EVERYBODY talked about it as if that was in itself a failsafe proof of that game's quality. lol

1 year ago

@CDX Then Nintendogs got 40/40 and overnight a lot of people started saying japanese games/industry was actually dead all along.

1 year ago

True story. That's exactly when Famistu begun losing prestige in the west. (Skyward Sword was the last nail in the coffin)

...despite still nobody actually read it. lol

1 year ago

@CDX & lpslucasps
This is a deep-rooted problem. Not only in Famitsu, but also in Japan, because the critical culture is weak... Famitsu's cross review has been a long-standing problem among Japanese gamers.(So much so that a big paper could be written on this issue alone.) I do not know how Japanese critical culture is viewed abroad. But as far as games are concerned, I think Famitsu and JOJO's ASB have done a massive publicity job on the current state of Japanese game criticism. Good job Famitsu! 👍 It is extremely rare to read a decent review or essay in Japan, as evidenced by the survival of Famitsu's cross review.
...Speaking of which, I now remember that there was an antithesis to Famitsu. I will make a list about that next time.

1 year ago

To be fair, by the late 2000 most respected western magazines had already gone downhill hard. EGM in the US and Nintendo World in Brazil, for instance, were considered good publications by the turn of the century, but laughtable bad ones after 2005~2006ish.

1 year ago

I don't want to defend Famitsu, but I found a decent Famitsu cross review. This image.
Wizardly3, 7/7/6/5. Dragon Quest 4, 8/5/7/4.(!?) Destiny of an Emperor, 8/5/7/4.
The score is now unthinkable!

@CDX Oh, the whole games industry, including Japan, was following the same trend. Japan also had a decent game review magazine that went out of business around exactly 2005~2006. But I envy English and Spanish/Portuguese speaking countries because they have a culture of critique.

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