Japan's Apocalypse

Tremble. THE TIME IS NOW. τὰ ὅλα. The Collapse Japan, And Go To The Apocalypse.
I stole from letshugbro again. Stolen List 2 -- SL-2 incident.
The list was created while listening to this bgm.

Note: mokushiroku/黙示録 = Apocalypse

Japan, where the justice system has collapsed even further than in reality.
A world where the principle of presumption of innocence and due process of law have completely disappeared and judiciary is abused.
"Kyoto has become an Akutagawa Ryunosuke-like world."
"Kyoto has been a Rashomon-like place since ancient times, so there are no surprises."
Japanese stock rates collapse.
Black Monday every day.
A world in which the whole of Japan has become 1970s Australia.
A world in which the entire surviving human population became beast-eared/kemono-mimi after the fall of modern civilisation.
The place where the protagonist wakes up at the beginning of the story is actually Yamagata ken/Prefecture.
suggest from letshugbro
A world in which the whole land has become Gunma ken/Prefecture.※
焼肉定食, wrong. 弱肉強食 -- law of the jungle.

※ On the Japanese-language internet, Gunma Prefecture is famous for being the subject of jokes. Comments by Japanese politicians on the internet meme, 'Gunma, an undeveloped area'.
Masaaki Osawa, Governor of Gunma Prefecture
"Gunma Prefecture is 2/3 mountain forests and scenic land, so depending on how you take it, it may be an undeveloped area. Nice words."
Yuko Obuchi, Member of the House of Representatives (Gunma 5-ward)
"Wouldn't it be nice if you could feel like Africa just 100 km from Tokyo?"
1995, 1.17
2011, 3.11
A world in which the medical field has collapsed.
This is the Japanese Apocalypse that you all know so well. It needs no explanation, does it? It includes subsequent sequels and Gaiden, including Persona.
A world in which Japan is divided into northern and southern Japan and is in a state of civil war.
A game with a worldview like Philip K. Dick's The Man in the High Castle cooked up with old-fashioned fictional warfare like Gundam 0083.


1 year ago

Tokyo Jungle!

1 year ago

@lethugbro Thanks for the suggestion! Added to list.

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