A masterpiece of old-fashioned humorous mystery sublimated into a game. Takushu san, there is no one reading Tsumao Awasaka※ in the 21st century.

When I played the GBA version, I remember how surprised I was at the last incident and how loudly I screamed. This may be my favorite game from Capcom. There have been many sequels and spin-offs, but there's not much more to say about it than this first one.

※ Tsumao Awasaka
Mystery writer. Famous for his "Aiichiro A" series.(only mystery maniacs.) The names of the important cases in this game come from this series.

EDIT: A list of works that were considered to be the original source of tricks and other elements in Ace Attorney was compiled. AA series fans, if you would like to have a look.

I've known him for a long time. That person was the one who used to shoot guns and do crazy things. And when I met him after a long time, he had become a monk or a hermit or a philosopher. That kind of feeling.

Where is Hideo Kojima now? And where will he go from here?

The game that broke the curse of Gundam SEED DESTINY that tormented me for a long period of 4 years.
I am just so grateful.


When we see a great film or finish reading a long novel, we have some words to describe our impressions.

Fumito Ueda's games are very difficult to put into words.
But one thing is for sure. Fumito Ueda's games are more than just action games. I'm hesitant to use the adjective "writer" for video games. But if it were allowed, Fumito Ueda would certainly be one of them.

I would like to write about what's in the game, but I don't seem to have the ability to do so. I'm sorry. Rather, I hesitate to even give it a score.

Oh, but I think the package illustration on the left is the worst. (How did this happen? lol)

A sequel to the "Machi", almost a tribute.
Machi was so good that it is automatically one of my favourite games. However, there are some things that I just can't rate and that's a shame.
I won't go into detail. However, it is only natural that the insertion of a conventional visual novel into a game that is sold on live action would result in a foreign feeling.

A proper sequel, released eight years after the release of the first game.
The ability to use large scale media has increased the range of sound expression and the horror expressions have become scarier than in previous films.
If I have any criticism, it's that it relies too much on visuals when it would have been better to imagine it in writing. This is probably the most common criticism I hear from people who liked the last one.
But it was more than enough fun for me.
I'm satisfied that it was just as funny, naughty and scary as the last one, Kamaitachi no yoru.

A memorable game.
A sci-fi RPG, which was quite rare at the time.
I didn't know anything about Star Trek, so I was very angry at what happened later on in 3.

It's too subtle to play now, lol.
Considering the 2nd story, the rating is lenient.

A game as dangerous as Civilization.

A game as dangerous as Hearts of iron.

A game with gameplay, which is rare for Leaf/Aquaplus who only make visual novels.
It is questionable whether this first game and its sequels, including this one, have succeeded in reinstating its gameplay.

Aside from that, the story was very interesting.
The main story is interesting, of course, but I personally remember being very impressed by many of the little stories in between, which reminded me of Rakugo.
By the way, I've met the scenario writer of this game only once. ...He looked like a yakuza. lol
I remember thinking to myself, "Did this scary guy really write the scenario for Utawarerumono?"

It's an enjoyable game if you don't expect a high quality tactical game like Fire Emblem or Tactics Ogre.

Russian literature game.
It's a hardcore game that goes far beyond DISCO ELYSIUM when it comes to literary elements.(maybe) ...I was stunned by the ending. I felt like going out on the balcony and smoking a cigarette. I’m not smoker.

Anyway, what kind of game is this, where you are a kuniokun on the surface but a Gogol/Dostoevsky on the inside? lol
There's a term on the Japanese internet called "おそロシア = OsoRussia" , and I've seen a glimpse of the horror of Russia in this game.
It's a hard game to recommend. But it's definitely a game you won't forget.

A pun on Russia and the word 'horrible'. The term is used to joke about horrible events in Russia and its amazing culture and character.

In my opinion, there are two main types(ideal) of fantasy stories.
One is the type that doesn't show the seedy side of medieval times, which is the basis of fantasy.
The other is the type that pursues realism and shows the dark side thoroughly.
The Witcher series, of course, falls into the latter category.
The sadly unfinished Berserk also falls into the latter category. (Although its ancestors are completely different.)

My first impression was, "I'm beat!".
"Finally, Western games have come this far. At this rate, the dominance of Japanese game companies will be wiped out in a few years.”

Japanese culture has always had a weakness for realism (both cultural and political). With the exception of a few geniuses, such as Kentaro Miura of Berserk.
This is because the essence of Japanese culture is caricature, deformation.
There is very little cultural soil for realism and realism in expression. In this sense, Kentaro Miura and Hideo Kojima is a rare breed.

I'm hesitant to complain too much about the poor combat action.
Small drawback and Japan’s game culture aside, I think the main attraction of this game is its worldview.
The detail is extraordinary.
The reality of war in a medieval world reminiscent of the Thirty Years' War, the language of the people of a poor village turned into a war zone.
For example, just after the opening scene. When I saw the corpse hanging from the tree, I was reminded of Jacques Callot's painting.
At that moment, I thought: "I've bought a tremendous game!”.
The second thing that struck me was the word of the peasants. I'm not going to write about this because it would be a serious breach of political correctness(laughs).
The funniest line came from a beggar in the city. "Help me! I'm being killed!!!...... To poverty.” Do you ever find yourself laughing when you shouldn't? lol.
I don't know of any game that expresses the world in such detail. And from the point of view of the Poles who made it, it's a dark part of their own past.
By the way, my favorite characters are Lambert, the lovable son of a bitch. And the ruthless and ruthless patriot, Dijkstra.
There are fewer and fewer characters with such strong habits in Japanese manga and games. I miss.

Maybe the negativity towards this game is a repudiation of the reality/facts of their past and present through the game. (It's just a guess.)
However, I applaud the great courage of CDprojektRED in making this expression.

It's a shame that the next cyberpunk had to go down like that, but it doesn't take away from the brilliance of The Witcher 3.

When I read it again, I see that I wrote it as I thought of it, so the sentence development is very messy.
I would like to make an additional correction later.

Before buying this game.
"A Witcher Spin-off? And a card game? I hate card games."
While playing.
"It's a lazy game. And nowadays you can't load the game and start again? What an anachronism!"
After clearing.
"Defend th' queen! For Lylia!"

What we call a miracle is a miracle because it will never happen again.
Perhaps the reason for this game's defeat is that it failed to analyse why its predecessor was so well received.
It has its good points... it's not possible on PS2 hardware. I would have liked to have done a sequel to GPM with today's software technology. But, It would be impossible.

Personal note. "War and shoes."
"If I ever make it big in the army, I'd like to fix my shoes.
They are better than the old army shoes, but the current shoes are still terrible.
It would be much more useful to improve the shoes than to improve the guns.
Especially since our 108th Security Division doesn't think about transporting vehicles.
No, it's called just shoes....
Shoes can make a big difference to fatigue, accidents on uneven ground and speed of movement.
In this country we are not so particular about shoes because of the habit of taking them off.
Besides, firing a gun is the last thing in the whole action.
But shoes are used from the beginning to the end of the battle."

I have a special hobby that makes me happy to see characters with opinions about shoes.
By the way, Witcher 3 also has some interesting anecdotes about shoes, which were also good.

“Thinking about death for the first time. It is called youth." Futaro Yamada "人間臨終図鑑"
I don't know if it's my first time, but this game certainly my youth.
The interesting thing is that this VP was released at the same time as planescape:torment. (The CG movie is very similar). The PST was existential; the VP is deeply moving, as it was youth through death.

The following contains spoilers.

Now, the main topic. Profile is a strange title.
But when you consider how the story goes, it's certainly the most accurate title.
Warriors from all walks of life, all dying for different reasons. The protagonist, the Valkyrie, judges them, selects them and leads them into new battles.
You should follow the game system and keep sending your trained warriors to Valhalla. It's exemplary. You are an example of a worker. Your boss will be pleased.
But if you manage to cheat the system enough to avoid upsetting your bosses, you'll find yourself in for a surprise.
Ragnarok. Just before the apocalypse, the Valkyrie, who has been on the side of judgement, is put on the side of judgement.
I love this moment, this scene towards the end. I don't have a particular taste for tragedy, but I still like VP as a tragedy.

The combat is also very attractive. It's like a fighting game, with lots of movement, character coordination and special moves. It's the kind of combat that only tri-Ace can create.

I don't want to mention the sequel here. It's barren.