Zelda music is awesome of course, but I didn't enjoy this one as much as I was expecting to. Maybe I was just expecting it to be more of a rhythm game; I didn't care for the combat and exploration that much.

My second gacha game, after Fire Emblem Heroes. It was very generous with the amount of free summons and content available, but it was also extremely grindy. I didn't care much for the gameplay itself (and how it performed on mobile), but I did enjoy building characters and collecting collectibles and I have fond memories playing this in multiplayer. The devs put so much work into the events and quality of life improvements that it's sad to see the game shut down. I hope Nintendo and Cygames use the IP again one day, because I like the characters.

I think this might have been the first Kirby game I actually completed. It's a wonderful entry in the series. The gameplay is fun and adorable, the world vibrant, and the soundtrack excellent. There's a ton of extra fun to be had in the minigames, as well. It's not perfect, as some of the stages can be a bit frustrating, particularly if trying to get all the achievements, but it's easily way up there in my book.

I've wasted way too much time on this over the years. I think it peaked about a year in. But I enjoy it overall, and it helped me get into Fire Emblem as a series somewhat. It's not too grindy and is reasonably generous with the amount of free stuff. It's crazy to realize there are now more playable FEH units than there are Pokémon, and it seems they've hired every voice actor under the sun to take part lol

I started this, but I dunno why I never felt compelled to continue with it, opting to just replay SM3DW instead

I got this game as a gift with my original Nintendo DS and had no idea what the heck I was doing when trying to play it

When you give me a level editor, I default to making the dumbest things possible and trying to break it, and that definitely was my experience with this game. I also previously thought I was good at Mario platforming having beat the NSMB games, but this game taught me that no I definitely do not have the patience to play at an advanced level

I recently popped this open for the first time in like 7 years, and man was that a hit of nostalgia. Back before we were all interconnected with smartphones... I had StreetPass. I loved carrying my 3DS everywhere and StreetPassing my friends and random strangers. The minigames were decent enough to want to proceed with them, but some of the DLC minigames were actually quite good, if a bit much to keep up with consistently.

A decent enough party game but not that memorable for me

In this case, more of a wonderful thing is still a wonderful thing. While the loss of an engaging hub world and associated character is lamentable, the levels are just as fun as in the original Galaxy, and the addition of green stars was honestly an incredible way to add content and encourage exploration of the existing galaxies. The co-op experience was also much improved over the base game - P2 can't make Mario jump by accident.

It's alright, nothing too special. I mostly just enjoyed throwing as much food on the floor as possible.

Solid Mario game, great soundtrack. Levels are fun and multiplayer is a blast.

This is the worst rhythm game I've ever played