Absolute sublime jazz music, and gameplay is a solid collection of elements from the base game. Unfortunately, I got so frustrated by the amount of pointless side quests needed to progress the main story that I never finished it. Maybe one day.

I pretty much only played the Mario Chase and Luigi's Mansion games. They were super fun and really showcased cool uses of the game pad.

This was fun to play on the bus during elementary school field trips

Trying to play this on switch with the All-Stars release, I just couldn't get the hang of the controls. I still have fun watching insane YouTube TAS videos of the wonky mechanics though, and the soundtrack is awesome.

I loved playing these card games over and over as a kid. The sound effects and animations are so charming and the gameplay is comfy to play repeatedly.

This was my first Yoshi game and I loved the depth, difficulty, and slower pace of the gameplay compared to mainline Mario. Some of the levels did drag on a bit but the levels were fun enough to play over and over again. Still my favorite Yoshi game.

Just a lot of fun to play casually with family.

The suspension of belief is difficult to grapple with when "magic" is an element, so I remember some of the court scenes being a bit frustrating. But I remember a nice setting with some funny and emotional moments in the story, so I definitely enjoyed it. This was also my first exposure to Ace Attorney.

Played through almost entirely in one sitting. I'm not normally one for horror, but I really appreciate a nice little dose of psychological horror every once in a while and this hit the spot. But even more than that I appreciated the look into what mental health problems can look like. Oh, and the music, while fairly straightforward, is great and suits the game perfectly.

I pretty much just opened this one to play a couple of songs I liked. Most of them weren't really up my alley and I didn't care to play the game otherwise.

Loved this game. The level of humor and silliness is off the charts even compared to previous Paper Mario games I've played. Plus the soundtrack is massive and has really cool pieces even for the smallest things. I had so much fun playing through that I didn't even care that the combat system is boring and there are almost no interesting characters in the story.

This was way too much fun in middle school and high school in 4-player co-op just throwing each other off cliffs instead of actually progressing through the game.

I collected Pokémon cards when I was younger, and this game let me enjoy playing the actual game without worrying about damaging my cards lol. The gameplay is pretty deep, and it was fun to build different decks. Absolutely amazing music with some of the best the Game Boy era has to offer. The game's ability to speed through gameplay and read through text instantly is also amazing compared to many other games from this era. I still enjoy playing this game today.

I'm pretty sure I had this but I remember nothing about the game itself lol

My first Animal Crossing; I played it with friends and coworkers through the first few months of the pandemic lockdown. It was great for that. But when I take a step back and think about it, it's genuinely one of the most stressful games I've ever played. There's just so much pressure to do things constantly, and much of the gameplay is too tedious and time-consuming for me. I know that's kind of the point, but I can't find it relaxing when my island will start decaying if I take a break. I don't think I'll ever pick it up back because of that. My villagers will be forever stuck in purgatory.