This brought back the intrigue of finding a game's deepest secrets through meticulous notetaking and problem solving, greatly combined with a tricky but fleshed out combat system and a superbly ethereal soundtrack. Loved playing it.

HARD. Beautiful extra story. HARD. Cemented my thoughts of this whole game being one of my all-time favourites. HARD.

A sweet and short puzzle adventure game where the puzzles are capable of being quite huge brainscratchers.

More of the same goodness from the first game and if anything, I think there are even more standout levels, original ideas and superb characters to enjoy.

Once, and never again.
The screen size simply doesn't work for this game first and foremost, and that's before getting into the huge slowdowns, lack of content besides the main game's two modes and the disappointing renditions of the classic music tracks on the GBA soundchip. Not a nice version of this game at all.

I definitely see the beginnings of a great genre of games developing through this beloved classic, but for me there was a bit too much of that 'old game clunkiness' to it. But I do thoroughly appreciate it and respect it for what it did for the gaming landscape.

If it was truly made as a 'one time only' experience, then that sacrifice to play Outer Wilds is completely worth it. Every big reveal hits big and the entire explorable environment & narrative is a masterclass in world building. It's a sublime treat that needs to be tried by everyone.

Good stuff here. Mostly fun rouge-lite elements, a base management system that I found mostly fun, and a quirky edge to its humour that I appreciated quite a bit.

Overall, a delightful game. It offers everything expected from Kirby in a fleshed out 3D environment with a full spread of gentle fun and nerve-wrecking challenge.

An amazing showcase of originality in story and presentation with some levels being extremely standout. I enjoyed it about as much as I thought I would honestly - one or two bits for me removed a bit from the overall great experience.

There's super fun and competitive tournament style modes that cycle through quick and gave me lots of good action, but it absolutely got maimed unnecessarily by its monetisation schemes - in a game I already dropped £40 on. A very definitive case of buyer's remorse. I'm not surprised it didn't last long in terms of support and it's upsetting that it happened like it did - through another all-too-common occurrence of corporate greed.

It's a wonderful new way that the Game Freak people can put a Pokemon adventure together, though it feels like an unoptimised overall product and some quests definitely reach very grindy levels of tedium.

Very surprised to like this game as much as I did. Its souls-like elements are done in a manageable way, there are a few quite memorable moments & characters, and I think finishing it entirely is very doable.

A childhood timesink that I really enjoyed revisiting, every single good point and bad point included. And I can finally claim the Super Hard Mode clear which I decided to myself I would only do for that single time, because hoooo boy...


A lovingly crafted product. Gentle on the player with its lack of failure states, easy to complete and definitely worthwhile to get the platinum so you can feel the force of its complete story - it really caught me off guard as soon as I realised its themes and made me weep in a sudden bout of emotion. An outstanding short game.