took me ~40hours to beat
i really enjoyed the mechanics of gameplay. i liked the emblem idea a lot- it allows for some really cool and powerful unit combinations and creations. i thought the story was whatever it was fine, bad dragon vs good dragon. and i hated the characters, some of the least engaging characters i've ever interacted with.

the other problem i have is with how much there is to do with micromanaging your units. you have fishing, cooking, petting the little mutant dog, collecting farm animals, upgrading emblem bonds, inheriting and unlocking skills, playing panzer dragoon, working out, dumping items into the well to get special items, using ore to level up your weapons, leveling up in the arena, and managing the social bonds of your characters. That's not including the challenge levels, the paralogues, or grinding corrupted fights. there's just a lot to do- and they all have really strong effects on your team and if you want to mid-max they're practically necessary. you can just ignore it, but ignoring +4str to all units next mission, or bond increases, or higher emblem ring stats, or having enough materials to upgrade your weapons for something viable. it's just- a lot of stuff that really bogged down my playthru that lead to me just racing thru the endgame just so i could finish.

This is a good game! it reminded me a lot of like, Sly Cooper meets Bayonetta with a Borderlands 2 aesthetic. The levels and platforming and combat felt like they were right out of a 2000's action platformer. The some characters take a hot minute to be enjoyable and the story isn't anything special (it's fine for what it is- it just isn't noteworthy imo). Really fun lighthearted adventure that i 100% recommend

played my first game at around 10pm last night. stayed up until 7am the next morning without realizing it. It's a fun time sink for sure

I think this game was fun to play. took me around 35hours to beat. there's a lot of unit customization which is cool, and there are a lot of maps to use all of your units in. Mechanically, i like playing the game. But i think the story is terrible. truly, one of the worst written stories i've played. Normally when i play a fire emblem game i have become attached and like a few of the characters. Bro, i just beat this game today and i dont remember a single character's name. I even skipped all the cutscenes after i beat the game... just skipped right to the credits. i wanna be nice, because i think this game does a lot of cool and neat stuff, but my biggest issue is how little i engaged or cared about the story and characters. I also think that some of the micromangament involved with your units and their squads- is just unnecessary. I think, if you like strategy RPGs like fire emblem, you'll enjoy this game (idk about the story tho)

the game is $3 and has some incredibly fun movement. I like a lot of what this game has to offer. but it's just a game that can be 100%d in 45minutes. i kinda wished all these well executed concepts were fleshed out and expanded on. for a game intended to be an hour long platformer- it's great. i just wished it was more than that tho

The game lacks polish, but it definitely captures the n64 Zelda vibes it's going for. It's got 4 zones each with 1 or 2 side quests along with a dungeon. I think it's above and beyond a competent and enjoyable experience for a $5 game. Like, I had fun playing this! Kinda made me wish for a longer more fleshed out version of the game tho. If you can accept the rough edges, it's well worth the 4hours to beat it

Good platforming, good music, fun level mechanics. Very fun game, would play (and love) a longer version with more levels. It does what it does very well

Very good survival horror. really good stuff, plays just like an old school resident evil. really good level design, graphics, gameplay, puzzles, and really engaging story (and world). the only reason i'd say this game is a 9.5/10 is aiming with a controller can be ass at times

If you like Sonic Adventure or SA2- you'll find a lot to like here. The 3rd island got tiring to explore for me, but overall i think the platforming and boost gameplay is fun. took 13hours to beat (near 100%ing it). Make sure to switch your difficulty to "HARD" before fighting the last boss so you get the actual ending


Really good gameplay, good characters, great art, great music, but there are really only 4 levels to progress through. Really good game, can feel a little samey after a couple dozen of hours

Awesome game, easily compares to the other great metroid titles and modern metroidvanias. loading times could be more optimized, but everything else is top tier

combination of gameplay from all the soulsbourne titles. A lot of reused bosses and fighting patterns. But the game is still solid fun and its big moments really hit their mark


Fun combination of Link's Awakening style + stamina combat. Figuring out where to go and what do by piecing together pieces of limited information is also dope. Ending fell a little flat for me tho